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Spiritual Awakening: Neale Donald Walsh Inspires Positive Shift

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Spiritual Awakening: Neale Donald Walsh Inspires Positive Shift!!!!

     Every day I get a missive from Neale Donald Walsh titled On This Day GOD Wants You To Know and each day I take a moment to read and digest the message. Today’s message …that if you  become ruffled with every comment that you consider a ‘slight,’ you will never find peace, really hit home as I have been taking people’s lack of interest in and personally so I took a deep breathe and made a commitment to myslef to start to shif things and realize that not everyone is going to resonate with what I am doing and that it is okay and that those that will support the efforts will appear. As I began to shift and focus on the more positive experiences I and realize that not every not interested or negative comment is a bad thing that it is actually a good thing as it gives me a chance to move on and keep moving in the positive direction of my dreams.  I then began to look at how am I presenting myself and my ideas to others and how are my vibrations. As I beagn to reflect and realize that each tie I interact with someone it is a chance to share and that if they are meant to buy and ad or make a donation or use my services then they will and if they are not then the person that is will appear.  It is when you leave it up to GOD and take action on his answers that you find the most success.

 I have seen the power of GOD First Hand as he has guided me and when I listened and awakened spiritually inside the results were amazing. For those that tune into GET MOTIVATED WITH JONATHAN JDOGG LEDERMAN on Monday from 7-8 PM EST at you have heard the story about the day I was out collecting for The American Cancer Society and the tap on my shoulder told me to go across the street to the massage parlor and seek a donation and then to go to the other businesses in the plaza, which I did and as a result an addition $54 was collected to help create a world with less cancer and more birthdays. I have found that when I listen to the messages of GOD and take action in an appropriate way that everything works out usually in a positive way.

  At times it is hard to stay positive because of all the outlying factors, however when you begin to look deep inside and ask GOD he will guide you to the place where a positive shift can happen. That positive shift comes as you begin to realize that you are a divine child of GOD and that GOD loves you and that GOD doesn’t make any junk. GOD will place challenges in front of you so as to help you grow and expand your spirituality.  When you begin to make the positive shift and trust in GOD more and more good things happen. There will always be those who don’t like your strategy or are not interested in what you are doing or aren’t as passionate about being of service and value as you are yet there will be those who will support you and who you will resonate with so focus on attracting those people into your life. Most importantly make the positive shift by strengthening your relationship with GOD.

       GOD will launch and propel you forward as you make a positive shift and realize that he has plans for you to positively impact this world and the messages are all around. GOD may put some mean people in your path so you can be a light of kindness that can assist with them making a positive shift.

It is when we focus on the positive that the good we do expands and thus we are rewarded. This week when someone does something that you perceive as a slight do not over react take a deep breath and realize that those who are supposed to support your mission and expand your message will be brought to you when GOD deems you are ready to receive them. The greatest shift we can make is a positive shift of our own consciousness to realize everything is in divine order the way GOD has intended it to be for us.

I chose to close this entry with a few songs that I hope will assist you in making a positive shift and realizing that you can and will make a positive impact in this world.



By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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