Spiritual Awakening: Overcoming The 7 Deadly Sins!!!
As I was reading through my facebook feed and swa the comments about Hostess going out of business a few things popped out and they were gluttony, Greed, and Envy 3 of the 7 deadly sins which prompted me to think how are we as a nation going to overcome these and the other 4 and get in touch with our Spirituality.
1: Lust – The definitions that I found is.
sexual desire: the strong physical desire to have sex with somebody, usually without associated feelings of love or affection
eagerness: great eagerness or enthusiasm for something
desire sexually: to feel a strong desire to have sex with somebody
Type in lust in the google search and you would be amazed at what you find. The question is how do we overcome these urges. The first thing is to respect yourself and not treat others like a piece of meet. There is temptation everywhere and the key is to avoid the temptation by having pure thoughts. many times turning to prayer and listening to the guidance you receive will help you overcome lust.
2: Gluttony-
excessive eating: the act or practice of eating and drinking to excess.
This one is fairly easy start making healthier choices.It can be difficult at time however an important part of making the mind, body, soul connection is to make better choices as to what you put into your body and how much you put into your body. I do not like to use the term lose weight because when you lose something you have a tendancy to go look for it so I say use the term release weight in a statement like this month I will release 10 pounds then take action steps to release the weight.
3: Greed-
strong desire for more: an overwhelming desire to have more of something such as money than is actually needed
This one is difficult to overcome as we have been conditioned to think we need more, you are only successful if you have money or material things.In our movies like Wall Street, Michael Douglas’ character Gordon Gecko says Greed is Good. We as a culture have become conditioned to believe that we need the latest and greatest in technolgy, the fast car, the big house, and all the materialistic things. The solution is to go back to Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs which and concentrate on the first step food, shelter, and clothing. The greatest way to overcome greed is to start giving. Imagine if those driving the fancy cars would by a less fancy car and take some of the money and give to organizations, or set up a program to help the next generation, or perhaps even pay for the entire block to have Thanksgiving. I am not saying that money is bad I am saying the lust for money is bad. I am suggesting that when you accunulate money that you take a portion and help others. The cycle of greed brought down a company like Hostess because the employees and employer couldn’t put greed out of the equation and come to terms that woudl be equitable for all involved. I ask how many cars can you drive at a time, how many homes can you stay in at a time, how many suits can you wear at time, how many pairs of shoes do you really need, how much jewelry do you need. I have often stated if someone was to give me a BMW I would trade it in for the type of car I drive now, a Chevy Cobalt, and take a large percentage of the rest and walk into a Boys and Girls Club and say you need computers here is the money to buy some computers just do me one favor to show people that I am leaving a legacy of giving please put my name above the computer room.
4: Sloth –
laziness: a dislike of work or any kind of physical exertion
How many people do you know that resemble this cartoon? I was taught that everyday you should be doing something to move positively in the direction of your goals. I hear all the time the excuses like I don’t have time, or that is too hard, or I would rather have someone else do that. It is okay to relax and rejuvenuate as it will propel to the goal that you want to achieve however to be lazy will not get you anywhere. You can sit and hope something will happen or you can get off the couch and make something happen. Why do most people fail because they don’t understand that success comes disguised as hard work. The way to overcome laziness is to plan out your day and take action steps and make the commitment to accopmplish something be ti writing in your blog, making phone calls, excercising, filling out applications, reading, meditating.
5: Wrath
great anger: strong anger, often with a desire for revenge
divine retribution: in some beliefs, God’s punishment for sin
vengeance: the vengeance, punishment, or destruction wreaked by somebody in anger
How many of you know the guy in the photo or become the guy in the photo? Years ago I had real issues with anger and on occassion I still battle with the inner demon of anger. I have found the best way to overcome anger is to breathe and think about what you are saying and if need be stay silent and wait until you find yourself in a better place to address things. I have also learned not to react immediately to others who seem to be judgemental and anget with your choices. Sometimes to deal with anger and the negativity it brings you must remove yourself from the situation completely and have as little interaction with the cause of your anger as possible. Eleanor Roosevelt once stated:
and she was correct think about decisions you made out of anger and the danger it may have created for you.
By quelling the anger and dealing with the situation you begin to see great changes in your life.
6: Envy –
wanting what somebody else has: the resentful or unhappy feeling of wanting somebody else’s success, good fortune, qualities, or possessions
want what somebody else has: to desire something possessed by somebody else
Howw many times to look at someone and say I want what they have and it all looks great and you feel jealous until you realize that what they have isn’t what you perceived it to be. You see someone driving a fancy car or buying a big screen TV and you say I could have those things. The way to overcome envy is to be grateful for what you do have and not want what you don’t have. My dad tells me the story of a man with alot of money who was very ill who one day said Yankel you see all this the fancy car, the house, the boat, the money I would trade it to you for your health. This taught me to appreciate what I have and to enjoy it and not look at what others have.
7: Pride -feeling of superiority: a haughty attitude shown by somebody who believes, often unjustifiably, that he or she is better than others
This is where pride gets sinful as you begin to put yourself above others and as a result you begin to create a downward spiral in your life. The way to overcome this is to realize you are a great person with nothing to prove and to create an aura of confidence that people will see and as a result they will want to be in your life. Make attempte to make it about others and begin to applaud and celebrate their accomplishments. I think it is when you are not boastful and just accept that others have recognized your greatness that is when you overcome the negative part of pride.
Spiritual Awakening: Tools To Overcome The 7 Deadly Sins
Accept yourself and realize that you may have issues and begin to work on the issues to make a mind, body, soul connection.
Find a coach that will hold you accountable as you work to overcome the 7 deadly sins. Be truthful with the coach as you will make improvements in your personal and professional life as a result.
Go back to the teachings of the bible and find the verses taht will help to quell the seven deadly sins.
Find books that will help you to improve your personal and professional life.Many of the books in this photo are availbale by clicking on The Hay Link to you right.
Find a quiet place in nature where you can seek guidance from source, god, jesus, buddha or whomever you seek guidance from and be open to receive the messages as they come to you.
make a decision to live the rich live by overcoming the 7 deadly sins.
JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.