Spiritual Awakening: Are You Using Your Time Outs Effectively?
Most of the people that watch sports will recognize the time out signal. After reading about George Carl and his battle with cancer I began to contemplate the way we use our time outs in life and are we using them effectively. A coach is often criticized for not taking a time out at a crucial part of the game. In this game of life that we are actively participating how many time outs are we missing out on.
A few years ago I wrote the following poem, which explains these photos.
Take Time Out
By Jonathan Steven Lederman
Take time out to see a sunrise
a new day
Take time out to hear a baby’s cry
a new life
Take time out to feel a brick wall
a hardship
Take time out to taste an icecream cone
a happy moment
Take time out to smell a red rose
an emblem of love
Take time out to experience the good things life
Every day it is importnat to use your time outs wisely as we all need time outs sometimes it is to rejuvenate and refocus, sometimes it is to simply breathe and let go of the trials and tribulations of the day, sometime it is to just be alone to strengthen your relationship with source, and sometimes it is just to reflect and be grateful for the day. One of my favorite songs to get me going duringa time out is Seasons Of Love
As I begin to to answer the questions from this song during a time out I find strength, power, enthusiasm, and drive to move forward in a positive direction.
Unlike football, basketball, and hockey you do not have limmitted timeouts. Now think about it am I using my time outs effectively? Am I taking time outs? When you take a time out what are you doing?
Spiritual Awakening: Tools to Effectively Use Your Time Outs???
1: Breathe – The greatest use of a time out is to breathe and clear your mind. When you clear your mind through cleansing breaths you begin to make the mind, body, soul connection that will allow you to effectively take action after the time out.
2:Music such as this from Mandisa can help you to effectively use your time out
3: Reading and reciting affirmations can be a great tool to help you to effectively use your time out.
4: Take a time out to read a book:
5: Visiting a spiritual practioner such as Rev. Reckel Ferguson at Modern Zen or Sarah Spiritual At The Expedito Center for session of healing is a great way to effectively use your time out.
Sarah Spiritual is an empowering women who will help you to effectivey use your time out.
Rev. Reckel can help you effectively use your time out with a myriad of spiritual guidance.
6: Sitting quietly with some stones and crystals along with some incens burning is a great use of the time out as it will bring you back to center
7: Take a walk in nature noticing the beauty that surrounds you
These photos were captured by Allison Turner a briliant photographer and spiritual teacher.
8: Exercise- By taking time out to exercise will aid in making the mid, body, spirit connection.There are people to help you to take a time out to do this. I think of Becca Tebon and Dana Gore immediately.
Becca Tebon can help you to effectively take a time out and to get you to become mentally and physically fit.
Dana Gore will help you with effective time outs through health and wellness practices to enhance your personal and profressional life.
9: Writing in your gratitude journal. Coach Shantel Springer taught me about this during her 100 Days of Gratitude Seminar and it has made a big difference in my life as I know make a conscious effort to think of what I am grateful for.
Shantel Springer continues to help people make effective use of their time out through seminars and mediation classes and one on one consultations.
10: Consult your play book by going deep inside and realizing you are a powerful and divine individual and that greatness is your birth right.
As you begin to use your time outs use them effectively so that you create the type of moment that you desire and lead to the result that is most positive for you. When life gets a bit crazy and hectic as it will take a time out.
A good message from Ferris Buehler’s Day Off.