Spiritual Awakening: Yom Kippur The Value of Atonement
I found the following definition of Yom Kippur. I have mixed emotions about the idea paying for a ticket for the right that I already have to sitti in temple all day so what I do is I begin my fast fron sundown to sundown and commune with GOD by reading my bible outside if it is nice and realizing that I have made some tresspasses and then I look for the lessons in those tresspasses. If the weather is not nice I find a quiet place in my condo and sit and commune with GOD seeking foregiveness for my tresspasses. This year I will be attending The Yizkor Service, the mourning of the passing of your loved ones and I will be lighting a Yarzheit Candle in memory of my mother, Judith Miller. As I Prepare for the holiday I begin to understand the value of atonement or what I like to describe it as a tune-up.
Yom Kippur (Hebrew: יוֹם כִּפּוּר, IPA: [ˈjom kiˈpuʁ], or יום הכיפורים), also known as Day of Atonement, is the holiest day of the year for the Jewish people. Its central themes are atonement and repentance. Jews traditionally observe this holy day with a 25-hour period of fasting and intensive prayer, often spending most of the day in synagogue services. Yom Kippur completes the annual period known in Judaism as the High Holy Days or Yamim Nora’im (“Days of Awe”).
Some have asked me JDOGG how do you as a follower of Christ also observe the Jewish Holidays. The answer is simple for Christ was a Rabbi and he wasn’t about organized religion he was about finding yourself and following a spiritual path. It is when we try to interpret and decipher what is the right path or the wrong path that we run into trouble. The fact is that if you are on a path and have a relationship with GOD you can strengthen that relationship by honoring GOD in or out of Temple at or away from Church. I often tell everyone I have the best of everything as I have the teachings of the Old Testament, The New Testament, and The Torah to guide me as I receive messages from GOD. I have also begun to study those in The Spiritual Realm so as to better understand the path GOD has set for me.
Spiritual Awakening: Yom Kippur The Value Of Atonement
Through fasting you pay homage to GOD and also allow yourself to be centered and grounded as you atone for your transgressions. The value of fasting is that you can easily make the mind body soul connection and thus when you break your fast you can better process the messages from GOD. I have often stated that atonement and foregiveness go a ong way in your spiritual developmement as you can foregive others and move on and also forgive yourself and become stronger. On Yom Kippur you will feel a sense of relief when you stay focused in prayer and take action after the prayers to truly make amends. As you become aware and awaken to the fact that you are a divine being and everything is in divine order you will begin to understand that to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually you are going to communicate with GOD. There is great vaue in cleansing your body through fasting as you can then fuel your body with the proper food and begin to eliminate toxins. The value of prayer and atonement is that it gives you a chance to process what you did and how not to repeat the transgression and thus your soul begins to be reborn and your mind let’s go of the past so you can live in the present.
One way to atone is to give Tzedakah which is a donation of money set aside for specific charity work. This doesn’t mean that you are buying away your sins it means you are recognizing a principle of giving and through giving you will be rewarded. One would not give Tzedakah on Yom Kippur, however they would give before or after. For those of the Christian Faith Tzedakah is Jewish Tithing.
Spiritual Awakening: Yom Kippur Songs To Help Understand The Value of Atonement
When we atone and truly take action to be forgiven for our trespasses that is when our greatest achievements occur and we begin to follow our calling affecting change not only in ourselves but in others. For all those who will celebrate Yom Kippur may your fast be easy and your questions be answered as you begin a new. La Shana Tova.