Spiritual Awakening: Hey I Am Worth It!!!!
I decided to use Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs to illustrate that you deserve great things and that you are worth it. How many times have you offered a great service for what you believe to be a reasonable price and been asked why should I pay that? I always answer because I am worth it. Being a spiritual entrepreneur does not mean giving your talents away it means being of service and value and getting a reasonable exchange for your services and products. When you begin to tell yourself I am worth it you will begin to get paid what you value yourself at. I have learned in the last 2 years that if you do not put a high value on yourself and your talents noone else will. This was illustrated a few weeks ago when I was approached to do a voice over for a video and offered to do it for $100 and was told that they would find someone on fiverr, to which I replied go ahead, well guess what the video isn’t done and they are still searching for that inexpensive voice, when they could have had one of the best. The lesson I learned is stick to your guns as word will get out that you value yourself and you are worth it.
Babe Ruth was someone who understood his value as illustrated by hisanswer when asked why he shoud be making more money than the president? His answer because I had a better year than he did. Babe Ruth knew he was worth it.
The key is to value yourself and to leave those that treat you poorly behind. I recently quoted a women who was looking for help with a charitable organization a price for 3 days and her answer was that is too expensive. My answer was mam do you want the best at a reasonable rate which is what I am offering or someone cheap that may not deliver. She called me back and I will be helping her and my original rate will be honored. People will pay you what you command if you demand it and show them that you are of value and service and worth it.
Spiritual Awakening: Tools To Help You Say Hey I Am Worth It
It is when we become an action taker and adopt an anthem and attitude of hey I am worth it that things flow better and we realize our awakening as we answer our calling to come alive and be the change we want to see in the world by following our dreams and helping the community. You will experience many emotions as you begin to adopt the hey I am worth it attitude. Here are some tools to help you become part of the hey I am worth it movement.
There are many books that can help you to proclaim hey I am worth it.Here are a few I found.
Many times watching a video with affirmations will help to move you towards exclaiming hey I am worth it.
Tina Turner reminds us that we are simply the best
rememebr The Karate Kid and how he went from a nonoe to the hero and became the best around
Sanatana shows us how we are winning
Many times the use of affirmations when applied and internalized will help you to decalre I am worth it
Self Esteem Affirmations
- I love and accept myself unconditionally.
- I approve of myself and feel great about myself.
- I radiate love and respect and in return I get love and respect.
- I am a well loved and well respected person.
- I am a cultured and wise and yet, a humble person.
- My high self esteem enables me to respect others and beget respect in turn.
- I am free to make my own choices and decisions.
- I am a unique and a very special person and worthy of respect from others.
- My high self esteem allows me to accept compliments easily and also freely compliment others.
- I accept others as they are and they in turn accept me as I am.
- It matters little what others say. What matters is how I react and what I believe.
- All is well in my world and I trade love and acceptance with the world.
- I have high self esteem as I respect myself.
- I deserve all that is good. I release any need for misery and suffering.
- I release the need to prove myself to anyone as I am my own self and I love it that way.
- I am solution minded. Any problem that comes up in life is solvable.
- I am never alone. The universe supports me and is with me at every step.
- My mind is filled only with loving, healthy, positive and prosperous thoughts which ultimately are converted into my life experiences.
- My mind is full of gratitude for my lovely and wonderful life.
- I consciously release the past and live only in the present. That way I get to enjoy and experience life to the full.
As you move through your day remember to get your self in the mindset to say Hey I am Worth It.