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Spritual Awakening: Wake Up and Be Who You Are

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Spiritual Awakening: Wake Up and Be Who You Are

I was having a conversation with Debbie Ford on her radio show on Wednesday when she mentioned that there is a time to be phony like when she is at a book signing and feeling tired and has to put on the smile and sign more books and take pictures. She also mentioned about going to someone who may be sick and telling them they look okay. I felt like yelling Debbie Wake Up and Be Who You Are.  Many times as we are on our path we may find ourself being “PHONY” which at times does serve us, however I find it is best when you are authentic and truthful. If you are truly going to be awakened you have to be true to yourself and others. In many cases you see a need to act a certain way to placate the situation.  If you do not derive pleasure from the experience of signing books and can not be enthusastic without having to fake it then you need to change what you are doing. I know that it can be draining to take pictures, sign books, and go to many dinners, however that is what you chose. I ask did you chose this to make money or did you chose this because you truly believe in what you are preaching.

It is when we walk our talk that we are the most effective. Their will be days when you feel troubled and those are the days that you take action, pkay your anthem, get grounded and centered and make a positive shift by realizing that you are awake and ready to be yourself. You can remind yoiurself I an an award winner who has a calling and if I am to change the lives of others I must change me first. Many times when you don’t feel like doing something because you are feeling bad you discover that by coming alive and shifting your thoughts you come alive and find yourself walking your talk. In the conversation with Deebie Ford she asked what about times that you find yourslef in a sitaution with soemone you really don’t want to be around, dont’s you smile and pretend everything is okay, my answer was no I usually don’t interact with that person because by smiling and putting on the phony act doesn’t serve me.  On many occassions I have told someone when they have come up to me at an event that I really don’t want to interact with them by saying I choose not to dialogiue with you today. Some may say but you may be missing an opportunity my answer is I am open and receptive but after giving the same person the time of day to hear the same speil there comes a time to say thank you but I can’t talk to you right now. By being honest and authentic we save ourselves the pain and discomfort of having to fake it.

 It is when we decide to stop being who everyone expects us to be and we start to be who we truly believe we are that we begin to step into a newer and brighter life.  Most of our life we are told you should do this or you need to do that and we succomb to the expectations of those around us and we find ourseves chained to this life that was chosen for us until the day arrives when we decide to break the bonds and become who we are.   This is difficult as we have som many people that have shaped us so far and it takes courage to step up and stan in your power and to move forward in a positive direction.  The first step is to make your I AM list and to be truthful as to who you are now, this list will change over time as roles will change and  beliefs will shift and you will discover who you are.

 It is when you truly believe in who you are and what your purpose is that you will give off the aura of success as you walk and you will attract people that will lift you and encourage you in your life. When discovering who you are you will want to do so with truth and integrity. You will want to walk your talk and be an example to others. The phony quality is one that does not translate well as people will see right through that.   It is better to speak and be the truth then to try to go around something. If someone is angering you let them know and if you are uncomfortable being around them make the choice to walk away. It is when you are true to yourself that better things happen.


It is when you are authentic and you find who you are that you begin to move forward in a positive directionof your dreams. As you discover who you are and start to discover the real you you will run the gamet of emotions and have feelings to work through.

 By serving others you will feel power and experience joy and you will be rewarded.

 In discovery who you are you will be able to help others who they are.

 Now is the time to wake up and be who you are.




By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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