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Spiritual Awakening: Here Is Your Change?

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 Today’s blog post was inspired by David Bowie’s Song Changes in which he realizes that a person can change over time but that person can not change time.

Spiritual Awakening: Here Is Your Change?

As I was making calls for a client today (6/27/12) I began to hear all the exceuses and many of the lack words that I have been avoiding and catching myself when I find myself using them. On one occassion I decided to tell the person you want change here is your change as I could tell that the thing holding them back was their thought process. I wasn’t argumentive I stated if they wer truly serious about making a change then the way they communicated needed to change. The person said thing like I am above average to which I said let’s try having you say I am great at what I do and people pay me top dollar for my services. I have found when you make this small change you and truly believe this that you begin to attract the clients and obtain the bookings that you have been seeking. It is when you change your verbage that you can truly change the outcome to the one you desired.

 Brett Hart of the WWE used to have his catch phrase, I am the best there is, the best that was, and the best there ever will be. One of the first changes one can make to improve their circumstances is to adopt this philosophy for it is when you believe that you are the best at what you do and you carry yourself as such that others will do the same.  The change starts to come when you start to believe and you make changes to fit this new belief.

In the musical, Rent, the song, Seasons Of Love, carries a very important change message, asking what are you going to do with the time that you have. It helps to point out the important aspect of the time that we have to make changes and to go from stuck to unstoppable. To change the way things are going one can step into their power and embrace their greatness.


Spiritual Awakening: Making Change

Imagine you only have a $100 bill in your wallet and the place you go to shop doesn’t take $100 bills, what do you do? Do you choose to find a store that will accept the $100 bill or do you find a place to make change to get what you desired. The same applies  in life as people may not accept your behavior, your view point, or your attitude. What do you do do you leave those people and find people who will accept you or do you look for a way to make a change. Many times we point a finger at others when all along it was us. It was the decisions that we made or the people that we surrounded ourselves with. We can not go backwards, however we can learn from what happened and begin to find ways to make change.Like the desire to break the $100 bill it is our desire to break the cycle that may have led us to the place where we are now. The beauty of it all is that like the $100 bill we can make change. We can shif our thoughts by simply using a phrase in the past and up until now I(Fill in The Blank) then we have this in our consciousness and can actively work on making change.

Spiritual Awakening:Strategies To Make A Change

1: Become aware of what it is you desire to change

2: Make and Implement a Plan of Action to bring about the change

3: Set measurale and obtainable goals

4: Use a vision board to show the changes you desire

5: Read books to help you in your quest to change

6: Write and display affirmations that will help you make the change

7: Be aware of the word you use and how you communicate around others

8: Surround yourself with others that will support your change

9:  Journal about the changes you are experiencing 

10: Become heart centered and grateful in your pursuit of change


As you begin to look inside and change how you act and react you will experience your experiences changing.There may be pain as you let people go that are not in tune with your change. There may be joy as you begin to attract new people into your life who believe in the person you are becoming.


The main fact remains that of you don’t like the way things are you have the power to make a change.

 May you find joy in the changes you make today.



By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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