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Spiritual Awakening: Are You Making Every Moment Count?

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 This post was inspired by the passing of Kathy Dedek, who touched many lives and always had an encouraging word for those she came in contact with. She was called home to GOD on June 23, 2012 from the complications of a brain aneurism. Kathy taught us all how to make the moments count. I dedicate this entry to the memory of Kathy Dedek.

Spiritual Awakening: Are You Making Every Moment Count?

I watched the NBA Finals and witnessed Coach Solstra of The Miami Heat answer a question of you are 12 minutes away from a championship with “We need to stay in the moment.”  Then came the news of Kathy Dedek’s passing and I thought how quick the moments come and go. I then asked myself are you making every moment count? The answer was yes as I begin the day with a gratitude prayer, then I read from Rev. Dr. Dee Adio Moses book, Oneness Consciousness, then I read a passage from Mary Morrissey’s book The Miracle Minute, and then choose a random Bible Verse, then I put on Janet Lee Kraft’s CD and get ready for the day knowing that I am centered and grounded.

 It is when we are focused on the moment and not the past nor the future that we achieve the greatest results. For example I am focusing on this blog entry and not letting anything distract me and as a result the thoughts are flowing freely to me as source is providing me with the words to write in hopes to empower and inspire you.  I had a experience that taught me a great lesson yesterday while I was at The Spped Business Connection Event. I was speaking with Jacqueline JLOVE Jackson about talents when I zoned out a bit as I heard someone making announcements and because that is what I do as an emcee I wanted to listen. JLOVE noticed this and was very understanding. We had a good laugh and we then began talking about being in the moment. I highly recommend that you check out JLOVE Jackson and her book 7 Soul Seeds to help you be in the moment.

Spiritual Awakening: How To Make Every Moment Count!!!

 I have discovered that there are many ways to live in the moment and to make each moment count.

1: Have  a plan for the day and adjust it accordingly

2: Set your intentions to be heart centered and grateful in all your endeavors

3: Be kind to others that you come in contact with

4: Take time to meditate

5: Journal everyday

6: Keep your focus and don’t allow outside circumstances to distract you

7: Don’t dwell on the might have beens or the could of beens or the what ifs

8: Be open to receive and to share your gifts

9: Place reminders where you can see them such as quotes and affirmations.

10: Make a commitment to yourself to be love, joy, and peace.


 Jason Mraz shares a powerful message about living in the moment through this song.

As you continue on your spiritual path I encourage you to live in the moment. Please share your thoughts about living in the moment.

By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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