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Spiritual Awakening: Can Oreos Bring Happiness?

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Spiritual Awakening: Can Oreos Bring Happiness?

I was feeling a bit down today as certain aspects of my life seemed out of balance and then my mom called and we had a difficult conversation and then I began to make phone calls to set appointments for one of my clients as ran into a whole lot of rejection. It was at that moment that I took a deep breath and started to think put a smile on my face and make plans after it is all done for the day to go to my clubhouse and grab some oreos and an iced tea. As I started to eat the first Oreo a sense of joy came over me, which got me to thinkig can Oreos bring happiness? The answer is not that the Oreos were bringing happiness it was what they represented that brought happiness as they represented a joyful time when I would open up the Oreos take them appart and lick out the filling and this memory helped me to make a shift and realize that as challanging as things are at times you can find happiness in something as easy as an Oreo.

 I know for many of my readers who are into health and wellness the choice of oreos to bring happiness is not the best so I am seeking alternatives and have  found a few:

1: Meditation and remembering about oreos and then having a healthy snack

2: Only having oreos as a treat or a reward then running on the treadmill for one hour to burn them off and finding joy in the creation of the endorfins that are being created.

The quest I am on now is to eliminate the charge associated with the oreos and find another source of happiness that must come from the inside. I was thinking about starting an Oreos Annonymous Group.

The quest has led me to this chart and I will be weening myself away from the oreos to more fruits and veggies. If you happen to see me at an event going for the oreos remind me about this chart:

 So the answer is yes Oreoes can bring happiness, however their are better choices that will make you happy.

+ = Happiness and Health


This is the new formula to use to bring happiness and joy into my life so I can be a shining light for others.


Spiritual Awakening: Proper Food Choices Lead To Happiness

Oreo Nutrition Fact for 1 cookie.

nutritional labelGrapes Nutritional Facts

The better choice is the grapes. Think about it for a minute you could eat 10 oreos and be happy for a moment then very sluggish or have the grapes and feel great and be happy all day knowing you made a better choice. There are many people who can help you make healthy choices:

1: Coach Shantel Springer, who has an amazing transformational story.

2: Becca Tebon, The Founder of F.I.T.

3: Dana Gore of Body of Fitness- No Photo Available

4:  Darren McDuffie who was a Division I Basketball  Player and today is helping people through his P.H.A.T. Body Bootcamps.

5:  Dr. Donna Goldstein is an inspiration coach who will help you to take shape for life.

So to answer the question Can Oreos Bring Happiness? The answer is not really. What brings happiness is an inner joy knowing that you are making positive decisions so you can look good and feel good and do good.

 This video gives some tips for brain foods. As you continue to seek happiness on your spiritual path remember that it is when we fuel our body and mind properly that we truy make the mind, body, spirit connection and find happiness.
Here are some affirmations to help you in your quest to be healthier.

By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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