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Spiritual Awakening: Growth Comes From The Inside

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Spiritual Awakening: Growth Comes From The Inside

 Be present and aware and explore yourself and then you will be of most value to others as you reach your higher calling.


I have often stated that to grow both personally and professionally that you must go deep inside and find the emotional charges that are holding you back or creating negative results in your life. As I was out collecting donations for The American Cancer Society Relay for Life of West Boca Raton, FL my attitude may not have been the best and I may have been a little to asserative in my efforts as my belief was everyone can give atleast $1 to the cause. After a few bad encounters I went to my car and I quietly asked myself, what am I doing that is creating the negative and I realized I was bringing bad energy with me worrying about how people will judge me and how I was making this about me and not the higher calling of creating a world with less cancer and more birthdays. I turned to the bible and read Proverbs 18 and then turned to my favorite Psalm “This is The Day The Lord Hath Made Rejoice In It,” and began to utter the words put a smile on your face and be the loving caring person you are and let your light shine. This shift made the world of difference as the encounters with people improved and when I finished my mission I had collected $72 towards my personal goal of raising $1500 for Relay for Life. As of  8:00 AM today I am only $57.35 away from this goal and as I type this blog I pause and thank GOD for the ability to go deep inside and realize that it is not about me it is about the cause and the mission to help people affected by cancer through research, education, advocacy, and services.

 GOD will direct you on your path. It is not ours to question but to listen and take direction. It is when we make that inner connection with the GOD that is inside of us that great things happen.

Going Inside and Releasing The Pain

Why is it we react in certain ways to people?It comes from a place of pain, perhaps it is a situation that you had as a child when you weren’t as respected as you should have been and you harbor that experience and everytime you feel disrespected you react negativly as a result of still giving an emotional charge to that experience. It could be you feel less than you are and thus shrink or get angry thinking you have to prove yourself to someone. One way to release the pain is to go deep inside and began to free write a letter of forgivness to yourself for allowing someone to make you feel this way and then free write a foirgiveness letter tot he person who created this pain. Sometimes pain creates a better you as it forces you to examine who you are becoming thus allowing you to step into your power and be your authentic self.


I know that releasing the negative emotions I feel when someone says no is a key step to moving forward and continuing to grow personally and professionally as I continue on my path to enlightenment. As you continue on your path you will have times that may challenge you. At those times find a way to go deep inside yourself and realize that it may not be the other person that is the problem but it may be you and the baggage you are carrying with you. I have found that when I am polite and non-confrontational that the results I achieve are greater than I ever imagined. IT is the times when I allow my human existence to overtake my spiritual existence and forget that I am a human having a spiritual experience that the results are not as great. To combat this I  remind myslef that I am special and that many people applaud and celebrate what I do. As I conquer the negative emotional charges I  find myslef breathing and taking a moment befor I react. A technique to recenbter and ground yourself is to just breathe.

  I often find myslef coming back to Don Miguel Ruiz’s The Four Agreements to remind myslef that these agreements make life that much easier.

There are many resources available to you to help you release the pain and the negative emotional charges and create positivity and thus create joy and abundance in your life. I recommend my top 5:

5: The Miracle Minute Practical Wisdom to Inspire Your Day- Mary Morrissey

4: Oneness Consciousness Heal Your Life With Daily Prayers and Meditations- Rev. Dr, Dedun Adio-Moses

3: The Four Agreements- Don Miguel Ruiz

2: Sacred Chants for The Music Angels- CD From Janet Lee Kraft

1: The Bible

There are many more. I suggest you make a list of your top 5 and use them to go deep inside and begin to eliminate the eliminate the negative emotional charges that may be holding you back for doing what you were meant to be. We all have a purpose and by going deep inside you will find your purpose and a result you will create peace, love, and happiness in your life.

By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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