Power, Passion, Purpose: Ingredients for Success
When baking every recipe calls for spefic ingredients. Today we will bak a cake for success using power, passion, and purpose as the main ingredients. By using these ingredients we will make our cake very tasty as success is very sweet.
As I began to read Ralph Waldo Emerson’s definition of success I began to think what were the ingredients needed to achieve this? I found power, passion, and purpose as the answer.Power not in the sense of being in control but the power you have within yourself to achieve what you desire the power of choice to move forward towards your goals and desires or the choice to draw back from your goals and desires. The power to make good decisions and the power to learn from the not so good decisions so as to improve.
Many people achieve their power by doing things that enhance their power such as reading and applying what they read. For example Rev. Dr. Dee Adio Moses wrote a book Oneness Consciousness and founded The Healing Center Christ International as she took her power back and realized how her power can help others to bake their own success cake.
Rev. Dr. Dee Adio-Moses will help you take your power back and help you to make your own success cake.
When it comes to passion it means finding what makes you come alive and what makes the heart and mind connection for you. I wrote the other day lead with your heart and the mind will follow. What is it you love to do? When you answer that question you can move forward in the direction of making that your life’s work and thus impacting your life and the lives of others. I follow Dr. Wayne Dyer an am always intrigued by his many thoughts. Knowing his back story and how he discovered the idea of following your passion and how he went for it made me realize that one of the necessary ingredients in our success cake is passion.
Move passionately in the directions of your dreams and success will follow.
Many times we contemplate what is our purpose we ask our source to help us to define our purpose. God has given us all gifts and has been sending messages to us in various ways to help us define our purpose. In his book The Purpose Driven Life, Rick Warren, gives many tools to us to find our divine purpose.
Rick Warren reminds us that we are all special in the eyes of GOD and that we all have a purpose to fufill and when the time is right GOD will reveal your purpose to you and guide you accordingly.
What will your success cake look like once you use power, passion, and purpose as your ingredients.
Remember you have aunique power that when fueld with passion aand purpose you will find success.