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Spiritual Awakening: Courage to Finish What You Started

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Spiritual Awakening: Courage to Finish What You Started

Today’s post was inspired by the women who was the last to finish The  FIU Triathalon on 3/18 as she exemplified the concept of having the courage to finish what you started. I had gotten word that there was one runner left to come in as I was the announcer and I rallied everyone around the course to encourage the final runner. As the final runner entered the final loop a group of tri-athletes that had already finished the race joined her and I began to encourage the crowd to cheer and they did and when she crossed the line it was amazing to see someone who had challenged herself, pushed her body to the limit, finish what she started. Through out the triathalon I witnessed many inspirational stories of courage like the 65 year old women who set a personal best or the elderly gentleman who completed his first triathalon. The stories that I witnessed were incredible showing that having the courage to finish what you started will propel you to heights beyond your imagination.

Image DetailGwen Jorgensen represents The USA as a tri-athlete inspiring others to have the courage to finsih what they started.

 On 3/24 during The Spiritual Entrepreneurs Visionary Awards, Ken Esrig will show you how to Start from Where You Are as you begin to find the courage to finish what you started.


Spiritual Awakening: Ways To Finish What You Started

1: Train as hard as you can in all you do. Preparation is one of the main keys to finishing what you started.

2: Surround yourself with people who will encourage you and help you to finish what you started

3: When it seems like things are lost stop take a deep breathe and begin again.

4: Create a vision board that you see everyday so asto motivate you

5: Know that your purpose is larger than you and that you are guided by the divine

6: Worl diligently everyday towards your goal and your mission

Spiritual Awakening: Videos to Help You Finish What You Started

As you go about things this week be inspired to have the courage to finish what you started.






By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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