Spiritual Awakening: Going The Distance!!!
It has been 45 years since I made the commitment to go the distance when it comes to being of service and value to others. In those 45 years I have had several spIiritual awakenings and each one has gotten me closer to going the distance to obtain spiritual enlightenment. Every step of my journey has taught me valuable lessons that I hope will assist you in your quest to evolve personally, professionally, and spiritually. I have come to realize that we are all divine children of GOD and GOD wants us to prosper so that we can prosper others. I have also come to undertand that we are all at different places on our spiritual path and we must meet each other where we are so that we can be lifters. I have also learned that not everyone will resonate with your message so it is imperative to finmd the ones that do resonate with your message and surround yourself with those people. In making the conscious effort to go the distance you will begin to find your purpose and thus you will begin to manifest that which is neccessary to live a life of purpose. In finding your purpose and becoming an action taker you set in motion for wehat you were born to do while living on this earth.
It is said that the two greatest days in a person’s life are the day they are born and the day they discover why. It is finding your why that you begin to awaken by coming alive and answering your calling to make changes that will improve your community. Many times as you evolve spiritually you will be able to go the distance by stepping into your power and understanding that you were born for this. As you continue to go the distance it is important to remember that you can fight through the pain and the challenges for if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it. It is imperatibe that you attract positive energy flow into your life so you can finish your misson to positively impact the lives of others. The time for you is now as you continue on apath to greatness by staying centered, focused, and grounded. One key to going the distance is to be grateful for what you have and to show appreciation in all that you do through out the day.
We all have the ability to go the distance and to tap into our inner divinity so that we can create the life we desire while we help others to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. We have the opportunity to enhance our life and the lives of others by walking in our truth and going the distance. I have come to comprehend the idea that what the mind can conceive, and the heart can believe you can achieve. Be the creator that you were meant to be and make a commitment to go the distance. Over the years I have taken action on many things and most of the times I have met with success. A few times I had set backs but each time I had a set back I took time to consult with The Ascended Masters, The Angels, GOD, and Jesus thus allowing me to continue on my spiritual journey that will one day have a finish line. If you face adversity on the way to the finish line simply turn to the scriptures and gain your strength back so that you can go the distance.
As you continue to go the distance you may desire to see the great nature that is a round you and the peacefulness that will engulf you when you decide to see the beauty that GOD has created. When you feel stuck and you want to stop simply take a breath and turn to GOD and GOD will help you go the distance. I have experienced many hardships and have wanted to quit but I didn’t I simply prayed that GOD would help me overcome the obstacles and allow mew to go the distance. Each day when you wake up as GOD to guide you so that you can go the distance. When you feel you have gonme the distance on a particular project ask GOD what is next for you so you can continue to go the distance.
When you go the distance take a moment to celebrate and then seek another opportunity to conquer so that you continue on your spiritual journal so as to attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life and the lives of others.