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Spiritual Awakening: A Time For Heroes!!!

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It is amazing what the ubiverse will deliver when you seek to be a hero.

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Spiritual Awakening: A Time For Heroes!!!!

      In the turbulent times that our nation is facing it is now more imperative than ever that we find some heroes to unite us so that everyone can have an opportunity to grow and prosper. Heroes can come in many forms from the small child that is facing a debilitating disease but through their journey they move forward and face everything and rise to the 1st responder who takes the time to treat you at an event because you had a slight injury. A hero is someone who takes action and makes a positive impact on others by being of service and value. Heroes are people who are action takers not excuse makers. Now is your time to be a hero. It is your time to shine your light and illuminate the world. It is your time to move forward in a positive direction of your goals by utilizing your talents for good. On of my favorite stories in The Bible is The Parable Of Talents. GOD gave 3 men a certain amount of talents and 2 of the 3 men increased their talents and were rewarded however the third man took his talent and buried it and as a result was harshly punished. GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, The Angels, Spirit, and Source are providing us all with an opportunity to be heroes. It is up to you to commit to be a hero and to remember if you can not do big things do small things with great love. One way to become a hero is to make kindness and compassion part of your daily ritual. When  you are kind and compassionate and coming from a heart centered place you will find that great things start to show up in your life in the form of peace, love, joy, and prosperity. We were not put here on this earth to mire in mediocrity we were put here on this earth to step into our power and achieve greatness and to become heroes for the next generation to look up so they will be inspired to show the world that service to humanity is the best work of life.

RelayForLife (@RelayForLife) | Twitter

On June 5, 2021 I had the opportunity to be part of The American Cancer Society Relay For Life Broward Power Event. While attending this event I came in contact with many people that I would consider heroes as they came together for a common cause to help to plant the seeds of hope and healing for those touched by cancer. It didn’t matter race, creed, sexual orientation, financial status all that mattered was that they were there to honor those touched by cancer. I wish I could of captured the energy of the event and put it in a bottle and then released into all communities across the U.S. This event had something for everyone and was successful because the people involved understood that to be a hero you must take your passion put it into action and find success. Though there were some trials and tribulations along the way when it was all said and done people came together for the common good of their fellow man exhibiting the idea that the brotherhood of man transcends the sovereignty of nations.  In listening to survivor and caregiver stories and lighting candles to honor and remember those touched by cancer I found many heroes who will now serve as fuel to empower and inspire me and many others to continue to further the mission of The American Cancer Society so that one day no one has to hear the word you have Cancer. The people at Relay For Life are the heroes we need today as they are taking action to make a positive difference in their communities. Now is the time to find something you are passionate about and to be a hero. Each day we get a bit closer to heaven by becoming a hero to others.

      Now is the time to become a hero and to find a few fans whose lives you can impact in a positive way. Each day you will provided and opportunity to be a hero so tap into your inner divinity so that you can heed the messages and take advantage of the opportunity to be a hero.

It is amazing what will be delivered to you in your quest to be a hero. My theme today as you can decipher is heroes and the universe delivered this song for me to share with you. It is true we can be heroes simply by being positive and sharing positivism wherever we go. May you become a hero today.

By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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