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Spiritual Awakening: Write Your Own Narrative!!!

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Spiritual Awakening: Write Your Own Narrative!!!

     With all that is going on in the world today now is the time to awaken spiritually and write your own narrative with the help of GOD. As I sat down to write this post today (5/29/2020) I began to think about how the last 4 months have impacted my life and the things that I do. I started to look at all the media I have been watching and how it has been affecting me spiritually and emotionally. I found myself listening to the narratives of the media sources and getting detached and disconnected from source putting me in a dark place. Then I found out that my employment with Macy’s was severed due to COVID-19 and this put me in an even darker place. It was at the moment of darkness that I needed to tap into my inner divinity and practice what I preach about staying positive. I began to list everything that is going well for me and as a result I decided it was time to write my own narrative with the guidance from GOD. I took a moment to walk through my condo and as I passed The Serenity Prayer I had an awakening that I needed to walk in y truth and do the best I can with the tools I have. : Serenity Prayer Courage Wisdom Mini Cardstock ...It is when we begin to change ourselves and our perspectives and write our own narrative that we begin to awaken more and more spiritually. We get caught up in others narratives so many times that it creates blockages that stop us from stepping into our power and achieving greatness. The narrative that I have chosen to write is that we are more alike than different.

     It is time to look into what is in our hearts and to write our own narrative as we are all divine children of GOD and GOD wants us to prosper. The best way to prosper is to recognize that everyone has the ability to be of service and value to each other.  In writing your own narrative it is important to find ways to be of service and value to others. It is now time to make spiritual connections by vibrating at a high level that your narrative starts with love. It is when we lead with love in our heart that we are able to give and receive love thus allowing us to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. In writing your own narrative it is important to walk in your truth. When we come from a position of love and walk in our truth we are able to take action knowing that if GOD brought us to it GOD will bring us through it as we continue to move in a positive direction along our spiritual path.

     Though we may have fear we need to commit to facing everything and rising as we write our own narrative. It is time to let go and let GOD as we write the narrative that will enhance our lives and the lives of others. It is a time to be the change that we want to see in the world by detaching from what others are reporting and doing and allowing GOD to guide us in our journey as we write our own narrative. It is time for us to come alive and make a real positive impact on the communities where we live, work, and play. It is time to look beyond the outer of a person and into their inner being and connect on a cellular level that allows everyone to prosper. If we see someone in despair and we are in a position to help we need to show kindness and compassion so our narrative reads of kindness, empathy, and compassion.
      GOD will direct us in writing our own narrative as GOD is a way maker. GOD will guide you in your quest toward spiritual enlightenment as you pray and give praise thus creating your own narrative which will allow you to make a mind, body, and soul connection that will help to attract peace,love,joy, and prosperity into your life. It is our season to rise above and write our own narrative.

     When things seem there darkest that is when we can find the light by writing our own narrative creating opportunities to rise above and thus having a life that id filled with bliss and abundance. As you write your own narrative remember you can make edits and learn to tap into your inner divinity thus allowing you to evolve. Today is the day for you to rise above and write your own narrative. Namaste!!!


By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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