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Spiritual Awakening: Putting Yourself First!!!

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Spiritual Awakening: Putting Yourself First!!!

Image result for Putting YOurself First SpirituallyIn the last 13 months I have come to realize that most of the reason that I am in the position that I am in is due to the fact that for 40 plus years I have put helping others in front of helping myself. I found myself justifying this by thinking I was meeting a spiritual responsibility by being of service and value to others, which is important however if you can not help yourself you will not be able to help others. I was justifying what I was doing by thinking well I am taking action and helping other people to excel when in reality this was hindering me because I was not making my physical, mental, and spiritual well being a priority. It was when I awakened to the spiritual principles of putting myself first and connecting to GOD that things began to turn around. Though I am still a bit financially challenged and have set up a donation page at I know things will improve as I put myself first and take action as directed by GOD. In calling upon GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels for guidance to put myself 1st I have found myself gaining more clarity in my personal, professional, and spiritual life. In discovering the power of putting myself first I have been able to detach from outcomes and simply live in the moment knowing that GOD put me here to serve my community by answering my calling to come alive and to effectively make the changes I can as I live a spiritual life in my human form. In putting myself I have been able to pursue some of my dreams while putting many of the emotions that used to hold me back aside.

Image result for Putting YOurself First SpirituallyIn putting yourself first you will find yourself in many unique situations however it is imperative that you do what is in your best interest as you make the mind, body,and soul connection so as to enhance your personal, professional, and spiritual life. Some may see this as being selfish however it is simply looking out for yourself so that you will be in a position to be of service and value to others. On of the facts of life is that your actions are not going to be approved by others especially those who do not understand that we are all divine children of GOD put here on earth to make our portion of the globe a better place. In taking care of yourself and putting yourself first you will find that you place yourself in a better position to help others. One of the greatest lessons I learned in the last 13 months has been that if you want to change the ways things are going that you must change the way you do things.

Image result for Putting YOurself First SpirituallyI have come to realize that creating me time is an integral part of growing personally, professionally, and spiritually. Today (7/8/2019) I have a day off from work at Macy’s and I decided to take care of a few personal things as I am continuing to rebound after the passing of my DAD 13 moths ago. I was able to pay the mortgage today and then head over to Starbucks to write this blog as I hadn’t done an entry since June 8, 2019. As I sat down to enjoy my frappucino and sandwich I began to reflect on the last 13 months and how much of a challenge I have had and then I began to honor myself by showing gratitude to those who have come forward to donate money to me so I can continue to move forward and overcome and challenges that may be presented to me. In showing gratitude and assuming an attitude of gratitude I have found myself more grounded. I have been able to slowly remove the limiting beliefs that were holding me back and thus creating opportunities to put myself first and still be a lifter for others. In loving and forgiving myself I have been able to remove blockages that have been stopping me from reaching my full potential.

Image result for Putting YOurself First SpirituallySo many times we hinder ourselves because we think putting ourselves before others is a bad thing when in reality making yourself your top priority is a good thing for you can’t help others if you can’t help your self.  Even if you work for a company you must put yourself first so you can be of value to the company. Many times we put others before ourselves only to realize that in doing so our personal, professional, and spiritual life suffers. Now is the time to put yourself first.


By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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