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Spiritual Awakening: Staying In Focus!!!

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Spiritual Awakening: Staying In Focus!!!

Image result for FocusAs you awaken spiritually you will find yourself out of focus as you have so many things running through your mind as become more and more aware of the power that you have. To harness this power you are going to want to step back take a deep breathe and focus on your task at hand. As you begin to understand that it is when you are focused you gain clarity of purpose you will see yourself attracting more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. I have come to learn that when you stay focused and alleviate the distractions that your personal, professional, and spiritual life is enhanced. In staying focused  you will see that what used to trigger you no longer affects you as you have awakened to the concept that you are a divine child of GOD and GOD wants you to prosper. It is when we stay focused and don’t allow distractions to get in our way that we have the most success.

Image result for the four agreementsThese Four Agreements from Don Miguel Ruiz has allowed me to stay on track to living a life of purpose. A perfect example was last night (5/10/2019) I attended Tunes N Trucks in  Sunrise, FL to collect donations for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life and had success as I collected $208. There were a few times when I could have easily gotten distracted as some people questioned my integrity. One of the food truck operators really got on me about not knowing who I was so I called one of the commissioners over and he vouched for me still to no avail. We turned to each other and in sync said it takes all types. I took a deep breath and continued to focus on all the nice encounters I had. In the past I would have focused on the food vendor questioning my integrity but last night I focused on all the good interactions and as a result found myself vibrating at a higher level and attracting more positive into my life.  One of the biggest lessons that I have learned by becoming an action taker and staying focused is to detach from outcomes. I also learned that many times the responses I illicit are not about me but are about the person I am interacting with as they may not be ready to interact and see how we can be of service and value to one another. The important thing is to stay focused and act on the messages that you are receiving from GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels. When you are focused and you set your intentions you will find that you attract the resources needed to succeed.

Image result for spiritual focus quotesWhen we come alive and begin to see that what we focus on expands we gain a better ability to move forward in a positive direction of our dreams. I have discovered that when I focus on what I don’t have instead of being grateful for what I do have that my energy level is low and my ability to attract bliss and abundance into my life is diminished however when I am grateful for what I do have I am able to create more joy and prosperity in my life. I have also realized that it is in being focused on the moment and living in the present that I grow in the effort to make the mind, body, soul connection. It is in staying focused on what serves us that we continue to elevate and manifest the life that we desire.

Image result for spiritual focus quotesI have come to learn that if GOD had brought you to it that GOD will bring you through it. I have also come to understand that when you connected to and focused on GOD you will receive messages that when you act upon them you will vibrate at a level that attracts all you need to live a life of joy and to bring joy to others.  Today (5/11/2019) as I was writing this blog entry I was at a Starbucks and the message from above was to go to the car and get one of the beanie babies and give it to a girl at The Starbucks. It turns out she just turned 9 and was using her birthday money. I told not to use all her birthday money and her mom said that is what I was telling her. This small interaction brightened all of our days just a bit we were able to meet at a cellular level and connect. The interaction also reminded me to stay focused on my purpose to be of service and value to others.


     I have found that music can be an excellent way to help us stay focused so that we are led in the proper direction that allows us to step into our power and achieve the greatness that is our birthright. It is when we are filled with spirit that we are able to be shown the way so that we can focus on answering what we we were called to do here on earth. It is when we stay focused and check our ego at the door that we are better able to be of service and value to one another.

May you find the way!!! Namaste!!!

By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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