As I sat at a memorial service for a friend’s mother I had an opportunity to pray and commune with GOD who directed me to Psalm 23 and Ecclesiastes 3. As I read the scripture I began to realize that GOD has all the blessings and will give them to you when GOD feels you are ready to receive them.

As I left the chapel and witnessed the butterfly release I began to think about the blessing GOD has given to us all and that is the ability to metamorphize. Like the caterpillar we to need to die to ourself so as to metamorphize and become a butterfly so as to become the beautiful being that GOD has created and to soar to the heights that GOD has intended for us to reach. It is important to understand that what GOD gives to you is meant to help you grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. Many times GOD gives us messages so that we can metamophize and change our lives and the lives of others. GOD recently gave me a message to ask for help so I did by setting up and I have had a few people make donations. I am grateful to all that have come through in the last 8 1/2 months and have helped me in my time of need. I am working on turning things around. I have continued to assume an attitude of gratitude while realizing that if GOD brought me to it GOD will bring me through it. GOD will send blessings and messages and it is important to take action and detach from the outcomes. I have found that GOD is with you and wants a relationship with you.
It is knowing that through good times and bad times that GOD is with you and all you have to do is stay connected so as to make a mind, body, and soul connection. In accepting that GOD’S Plan is far greater than the one you have for yourself you will begin to receive blessings and as a result your life will be filled with much peace, love, joy, and prosperity. GOD will bring you through storms and create rainbows filled with hope and healing in your life.
As you are facing storms of your own take solace in knowing that GOD will bring your through it and make you stronger. Namaste!!!