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Spiritual Awakening: I Did It On Purpose!!!

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Live a Life On Purpose and Manifest What You Desire!!!

As you undergo your spiritual awakening you will have two questions that you will seek the answer to and they are what is your purpose and what is your why. Once you define your purpose and your why you will be able to stay focused, centered, and grounded which will enable you to manifest the life you desire. As you find your purpose you will want to write it down and create a mission statement for your life. An good example of a mission statement is it is my purpose to help other people excel by utilizing my talents to be of service and value to others. Once you discover your purpose and your why you will be better equipped to become an action taker. As you become an action taker and do things on purpose you will want to find an anthem for yourself that will guide you and direct you as to continue to tap into your divine guidance system helping you to make a mind, body, soul, connection. In doing things on purpose you will want to detach from outcomes and shift in to a position of coming from a position of love and gratitude allowing GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels to guide you in living a life of purpose.

Passion + Action = Success

Many people will be quick to judge what you are doing as they do not understand the higher purpose that you are following as you answer your calling and you evolve personally, professionally, and spiritually. I have often told people there is a method to the madness as many have looked at the way I do things as being a bit unique and different as they don’t realize that I am doing things on purpose. Each day we have a purpose and each day we should take a moment to write down our purpose for when you know the purpose of what you are doing and why you are doing it you will find your life filled with more peace, love, joy, and prosperity. As you become more mindful of your purpose you will find that achieving bliss and abundance comes easier. Many times we get so caught up in what others would think or how we will be perceived that we lose sight of our purpose and thus we hit some speed bumps and create blockages from moving forward and living our life on purpose. I have come to understand that when you know your purpose and your why that you clear the blockages and you step into your power that allows you to achieve the greatness that is your birthright.

Each Day be Of Service And Value and You Will Achieve Greatness

In doing things on purpose and knowing your why you will find that the impact you make is increased. You may not see that impact first hand but know that people are watching you do things on purpose and they are being inspired and empowered by your actions. In living your life on purpose you will also find that you can easily have the serenity to change the things you can accept the things you can not and gain the wisdom to know the difference. When we block out the negativity and continue on the path that GOD has set out for us we will find ourselves coming alive and serving our community better by detaching from outcomes and removing the emotional ties that sometimes encumber us and stop us from living a life on purpose. There are many times when you will have to stop and ask are the actions I am taking now serving my purpose and moving me in a positive direction toward spiritual enlightenment. Many times we can so enamored with the materialistic things that we lose sight of the spiritualistic things that are important. In living life on purpose and using our spiritual gifts we are able to make positive changes in our life thus overcome all obstacles by knowing if GOD brought us to it GOD will bring us through it. Sometimes things seem difficult but take solace in knowing that GOD will never give you more than you can handle and that he has a purpose for you. It is up to you to define that purpose and live a life on purpose.

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In finding your purpose and living a life of purpose you will see which of these gifts you have been given. Once you see the gifts you have you will be able to better understand your purpose and thus use your talents for good.

Now is your time to shine and to live a life of purpose. It is time to have a clear vision of your purpose and to take action to follow that vision understanding that it may not always be easy but it will be worth it. NAMASTE!!!

By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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