As I was watching TV the other day I watched a State Farm commercial which asked who is protecting your house? This made me think about who is protecting you as you enhance your personal, professional, and spiritual life? As I sat in meditation I realized that I was being protected by GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Master, and The Angels. As I came out of the mediation I began to understand as long as I maintain my connection with my protectors and listen to their messages that everything will work out in the end. As you waken spiritually you will find yourself protected and thus in more favorable positions to bring peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life so that you can do the same for others. In staying connected and being focused, centered, and grounded you will find everything flowing in your life just as GOD has intended. GOD will protect you and guide you by giving you messages on a regular basis. It is up to you to accept this protection and trust in GOD that GOD will prosper you and provide for you.

As many of you who read this blog on a regular basis are aware I have had my share of trials and tribulations over the last 6 years and at times have found myself in a struggle questioning what will happen however once I let go and let GOD I began to see that I was protected and everything was happening according to GOD’S Plan for GOD’S Plan for me is far greater than my own. I have also started to realize that when you are protected and feel secure that you can step into your power and achieve the greatness that is your birthright. As GOD has protected me GOD has put me in places where I can thrive and has created situations that lead to success. The power to change lies within us and if we understand that GOD will protect us and not give us anything that we can not handle we will begin to manifest the life we desire.

When you start to strengthen your relationship with GOD and detach from outcomes you will find it easier to live your life on purpose by being of service and value to others. As I reflect back on my 40 years of community service I can point to all the times I had success and every instance shares one thing in common and that is that I was open to accepting that I was being guided and protected by GOD. To further my protection I have called on Arch Angel Michael to put up a wall of protection around me so that I can flourish as I continue on my spiritual journey toward enlightenment.

One of the tools in my spiritual tool box are The Archangel Michael Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue. I utilize these cards to further my protection and to take action to shield myself from any challenges I may face in my human existence. In consulting with The Angels you will be guided to take the action necessary to manifest the life you desire. Many times it is as simple as just listening to your protectors. Namaste!!!