As you experience a spiritual awakening you will begin to find that you manifest your own opportunity. As you become more and more aware and awake you will find yourself taping into a divine guidance system that will lead you toward spiritual enlightenment. Each day as you walk your spiritual path you will have the opportunity to create the life you desire. The first step is to understand that what the mind can conceive and the heart can believe you can achieve. What we think about expands and when we take action it comes to fruition. I have witnessed first hand the success of becoming an action taker. I have had many experiences where I simply took action on an idea and as a result of becoming an action taker I was met with success. One instance occurred last year as I was seeking chance drawing items for an event to benefit The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. As an avid football fan I reached out out to Riddell who makes min helmets of different teams. I was able to connect with their marketing department and tell them who I was and what i wanted the mini helmets for and they sent me 30 mini helmets from The Giants, Jets,Dolphins, Patriots, and Steelers to use in my fundraising efforts to help create a world with less cancer and more birthdays. As a result I was able to use the mini helmets to help generate $3536. Today (10/4/2018) was a great example of manifesting opportunity. I had contacted Petruccos Collectibles about helping to support The Strike Out Cancer Day that I am hosting on October 13 with The Sunrise Sharks Travel Baseball Team and they had me come by their warehouse today to pick up some items to use in a chance drawing. Petruccos Collectibles gave me a signed Muhamed Ali Picture, a Willie Mays Photo, a Mickey Mantle Photo, and a box of Mark McGuire Slavino Slammer Beanie Babies. In follow the messages from GOD to continue to reach out to people for assistance I have been able to manifest items that will help in my quest to attack cancer from every angle.

It is when we make a commitment to follow the messages from GOD that we begin to manifest opportunity so that we can continue to be of service and value to others. When we continue to use our talents for good while following GOD’S Plan we create a better life for ourselves and others. I have seen the concept of being a cheerful giver work many times as what I have given has come back to me 10 fold. A few years ago a friend asked me to donate to their Team In Training campaign and I gave $18. The next week while working as an appoint setter for The Happy Herald I set an appoint that resulted in a sale of $1800 earning me $180. The lesson I learned from this experience is to come from a position of abundance and give when you can. As I was finishing up the day today (10/4/2018) I realized that another great component of manifesting opportunity is to show gratitude to those helping you and to continue be a cheerful giver. As you continue on your spiritual journey become cognizant of the messages that are being sent to you so that you can manifest opportunity. Namaste!!!