On Sunday September 16,2018 I hosted The Judith Miller Memorial Bowling Party to benefit The 2019 American Cancer Society Relay For Life Of Sunrise. At 1st I was a bit disappointed by the fact that only 4 people showed up, me along with 3 others. I took a deep breath and I decided that I would take the lemons that life had thrown my my and make lemonade. I decided to be grateful for those tat showed up and to be proactive and share what we were doing with others at the bowling center. As a result we did a make me an offer table with some excellent items. As a result we had a few people make donations for the items and at the end of the event we raised $264 to help those touched by cancer. As I dropped off the money to The American Cancer Society today (9/18/2018) I started to reflect on how during the spiritual awakening process it is to focus on the good and to make lemonade whenever you get the chance. As I drove around doing errands and taking care of some personal things I realized the date and thought wow there are 2 18’s in the date. 18 in Hebrew is Chai meaning life so today we get double chai and a chance to rejoice in the day that the lord hath made and be glad in it. In changing my attitude I have seen a positive shift in my life which is giving me the opportunity to be of service and value to others. Instead of get angry and discouraged I decided to turn the lemons into lemonade. As a result I have found that I attract more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into my life. In simply letting go and letting GOD the results I have achieved have far exceeded my expectations. I learning to detach from outcomes I have been able to find bliss and abundance thus putting me in a position to share with others.
When you choose to make lemonade out of lemons you many want to adopt some songs that will help you stay focused, centered, and grounded so that you can move forward in a positive direction of your goals. In realizing that things will get easier as you consult with GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, and your angels you will find that you manifest the greatness in your life that is your birthright. There will be times when you get upset however take a moment to breath and then follow the messages that you are receiving and then take the necessary action needed to move ahead on your spiritual journey.
One of the greatest lessons I have learned thus far as a result of a spiritual awakening that when we let go and let GOD that he gives us a power to break every chain and thus take all those lemons and make lemonade. Sometimes it is just a matter of remembering that you are a divine child of GOD and GOD wants you to prosper. I have come to realize that it is important to be true to yourself and to simply follow your heart as guided by GOD and good things will happen. Along the way their will be challenges and that is when it is important to realize that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it. I have also learned that GOD will never give you to much to handle as he knows exactly what you can handle.
As you turn lemons into lemonade remember to take action to keep on moving and spreading your message as you continue to enhance your personal, professional, and spiritual life while being of service and value to others. Namaste!!!