Spiritual Awakening: Just Breathe!!!
Over the last 3 months the concept of just breathing has played a major role in my spiritual awakening as I have faced many set backs and quickly learned who I could count on. The last few days have been challenging for me as my car set me back $1000 and some of my paid gigs were cancelled thus putting me in a state of worry. Then it hit me all I need to do is breathe and allow things to unfold as GOD has intended. I took a breath and began to let go and let GOD and realized that if GOD brought me to it GOD will bring me through it. In dealing with the loss of my DAD who passed on June 7,2018 along with other issues in my life like being told I am in the diabetic range as my A1C was 6.6 and not having full time employment I have come to understand that I have a choice I can forget everything and run or I can face everything and rise. As challenging as my life seems to be right now I have come to realize that it is important to simply get back to my spiritual roots and tap into my inner divinity and to breathe and allow GOD to guide me. In taking a moment to breathe and meditate I have been able to assume an attitude of gratitude and as a result things are improving in my personal, professional, and spiritual life. In taking a deep breath before taking any action I have been able to stay focused and grounded thus overcoming challenges in my life. I have set up a page www.paypal.me/jdogg8265 where people can make love donations to help me continue to be of service and value to others. In breathing and praying about my current situation I have come to realize that thing will get better and it is my responsibility to stay positive while I take action.
In breathing and consulting with the ascending masters that I have been able to motivate myself to continue on my spiritual path in an effort to show the world that service to humanity is the best work of life. One of the ascended masters that I consult with on a regular basis is Jesus Christ as everything is possible because he strengthens me. You can say Jesus is my hook up. Today is a wonderful day because this is the day the lord hath made so I will be glad and rejoice in it.
As I breath and listen to songs such as this I am reminded that the journey to attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity in to my life so that I can help others is worth it. I am reminded that faith in GOD gives meaning and purpose to human life and thus by allowing GOD to direct me I will find the bliss and abundance that I am seeking. Yesterday ((/12/18) I was on The Coach Judy Radio Show speaking about following your passion and I found myself taking a breath as I began to speak and I knew that my word were being given to me from GOD so that I could be a messenger and thus empower and inspire those who were listening. IN taking a breath and taking time to stay centered, focused, and grounded you will find that you vibrate at a level that will bring all the resources into your life that you need to have what is perceived to be a successful life. We all have reasons to praise and worship and when we do we find ourselves manifesting the life that we desire as guided by GOD.
When you find your why and your purpose and you praise and worship the holy name of GOD and Jesus you will find yourself functioning at a high level that allows you to make a positive difference in your life and in the lives of others. So many times it is simply taking the time to show gratitude for what you have and being thankful for what you have and not wanting what you don’t have that will get you back on track so you can step into your power and achieve the greatness that GOD has intended for you to achieve. In understanding that you are a divine child of GOD and God wants you to prosper you will find that you can embrace the spiritual awakening and achieve incredible things.
It is time to breathe and remove the shackles and allow GOD to guide and direct you along your path so that you will live the life you desire.