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Spiritual Awakening: Playing By The Numbers!!!

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Spiritual Awakening: Playing By The Numbers!!!

Image result for Numbers Ever since I can remember numbers have played a major role in my life.  I think it all began with my first paint by numbers experience when I realized the power that numbers have in life. As I got older and began to experience spiritual awakenings I started to understand the roles of numbers and how they influence our personal, professions. and spiritual lives. I began to focus a lot of attention on numbers. As a result today as I continue to evolve spiritually I am very cognizant of numbers and their meaning. In understanding the power of numbers I am better able to make a mind, body, soul connection. In understanding numbers and their meaning I am able to adjust my vibration so that I am functioning at the highest vibration so as to attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity. In looking around the numbers that are coming into our daily life we can peel back the onion and figure out the reasons for why things are happening for us.

Image result for Numbers As we look at the numbers that coming up in our life we can make things happen and better comprehend why certain things are happening in our lives. Today for example I turned in money that I had collected for The 2018 American Cancer Society Relay For Life Of Sunrise and it brought my total to $3004 which adds up to 7. As I turned in the money the staff partner gave me a really nice Relay Hat and other Relay Items. I then went to Starbucks and was gifted a bag of chocolate covered almonds. I started to wonder why so I looked up the spiritual meaning of the number 7 and here is what I found.

Image result for Spiritual Meaning of 7Image result for Spiritual Meaning of 7I then took a deep breath and realized that one of the great players in N.Y. Yankees history, Mickey Mantle, wore #7. I then realized that 777 on a slot machine represents a jackpot. As I reflected on the #7 I realized that is why I am having a successful day as 7 puts you in a position to increase your spiritual awareness bringing you to a level that will lead to you becoming an action taker thus moving you further along your spiritual journey.

As I began to wonder why today has been filled with good fortune I added up 4/30/2018 and it came out to 18. It was then that I realized why things were falling into place easily and effortlessly today.

In China the number 18 is considered a very auspicious number. It is associated with someone who is number 18going to have great success and prosper! The reason is that when 18 is alternatively pronounced 幺八 (yāo bā), it strongly resembles the words “going to prosper”.

Living in house number 18 or apartment 18 is considered fortunate. Certainly running a business from number 18 should be an indicator of success.

Number 18 – Symbol of Life

In the Hebrew system of the numerical value of words, the Hebrew word for life (chai) has the value of 18. This makes 18 a favorable number as it indicates hopes of a long life.

It is among many Hebrews traditional to give gifts 18 in number or with a number that can be divided by 18. Many wear the chai as a charm for good luck.


With the knowledge of the meaning of numbers you can be better prepared to be connected on a personal, professional, and spiritual level. for example I took my birthday 8/2/1965 and it adds up to 31 which then adds to 4. 4 happens to be my favorite number.

Number 4 is the number of stability, order and completion of justice

Number 4 is the number of the earth and mankind.

Number 4 is the number of the square.

Number 4 symbolizes building a strong foundation.

There are four cardinal points:

North – South – East – West

There are four winds.

There are four phases of the moon.number 4

There are four seasons.

In the West we have four elements: earth – air – fire – water.

Every number we encounter has a meaning and when we understand the meaning we become more spiritual awake and thus are able to move toward a path of enlightenment.

Image result for 52

I am now age 52 and I was curious so I looked up the meaning and found this.

Number 52 is comprised of the energies and vibrations of number 5 and number 2. Number 5 carries the qualities of personal freedom, curiosity and courage, motivation and progress, adaptability and versatility, new opportunities,making positive life choiceslife lessons learned through experience and important life changes. Number 2 relates to the attributes of duality, balance and harmony, co-operation and partnerships, adaptability, selflessness and devotion, service and duty and your Divine life purpose and soul mission. This combination makes number 52 a number of personal expression, optimism, companionship and activity.

Angel Number 52 tells you that important life changes may come about sooner than expected and in unexpected and miraculous ways. Your angels ask that you be open and receptive to your intuitive thoughts and feelings and take positive action as guided.

Angel Number 52 brings a message to have faith and trust in yourself and the decisions and choices you have made in regards to current life changes. Trust that these changes will bring auspicious circumstances and new opportunities to enhance and enrich your life. These changes will also bring you into perfect alignment with your Divine life purpose and soul mission.

Angel Number 52 is a message that the changes occurring will bring about improvements and positive opportunities that will benefit your life on all levels. It is a reminder from your angelsto have faith and trust in yourself, your choices and who you are within. Go with the flow of the changes in your life.

My number 1 is Jesus as everything is possible through Christ who strengthens me. As you continue to walk your spiritual path be aware of the numbers that are appearing in your life and then look up their meaning and you will see why certain things are unfolding the way they are in your life. Make your life better by understanding numbers. Namaste!!!





By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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