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Spiritual Awakening: A Journey To The Light Side!!!

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Spiritual Awakening: A Journey To The Light Side!!!

As I drove to Boca Raton today (12/21/2017) to pick up copies of this book that Michelle Goebel donated to help in the effort to assist those touched by cancer I realized that this was a journey to the light side as this donation was made with the intention of spreading love to those touched by cancer without any expectations of return. When I arrived at Starbucks I decided to read Michelle’s chapter, The Universe Heals Through The Heart, it was a very enlightening read and really confirmed the importance of journeying to the light side. Michelle’s story illustrates what is possible when you journey to the light side.

Image result for The Light Side SpiritualityAfter reading Michelle’s story I felt a shift of energy in my body as I began to find things to be grateful for and ways to be a beacon of hope and healing to others. It is through the journey to the light side that we are able to find ways to enhance the personal, professional, and spiritual lives of others while also enriching our own lives. It is in finding the light and driving out the darkness that we are able to move forward in a positive direction to enlightenment. In our journey we will encounter darkness however when we encounter darkness we have a choice we can dwell on the darkness or we can tap into our inner divinity and bring bright light to us using the forces of GOD, JESUS, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels to drive out the darkness thus allowing us to be a bright shining light that will help to illuminate the world with positivism. We have the ability to create a life filled with much peace, love, joy, and prosperity by simply reminding ourselves that we are divine children of GOD and GOD wants us to prosper as we journey toward enlightenment.


Image result for The Light Side Spirituality In our spiritual journey we will encounter some trial and tribulations thus we must remember that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring your through it. I can  tell you that GOD has great plans for you and GOD want you to journey to the light side. Every now and then GOD will cast some darkness your way to remind you that if it were easy everyone would be doing it. GOD will never give  you a challenge that you can not handle. GOD will also cast much light on you to remind you that to whom much is given much is expected.

Image result for The Light Side SpiritualityIn journeying to the light side you will need to become a lifter and celebrate the accomplishments of others. IN My many years of doing charitable work I have found that recognizing others for their outstanding work not only lifts them up but it lifts me up for after I give congratulations and show gratitude for their assistance a feeling of warmth comes into my heart and a sense of joy is shown on my face.  In celebrating others we open up the channels that allow for us to be celebrated.  In journeying to the light side we begin to surround ourselves with people who are evolving in the personal, professional, and spiritual life and as a result we evolve.

Spiritual Awakening: Tools To Help You Journey To The Light Side!!!

Image result for The Light Side SpiritualityMeditation and Chakra Balancing serve as wonderful tool for when we are balanced and at peace we are able to vibrate at a high level allowing us to embrace our higher self and thus show others that service to humanity is the best work of life.

Image result for crystals and their meaningCarrying stones and crystals while you journey to the light side will help you in your spiritual growth allowing for positivism to enter into your personal and professional life.

Incense CorrespondencesBurning of incense is a fantatstic way to aid in your journey to the bright side as when you cleanse an area you remove blockages that were holding you back from achieving the life you desire.

Image result for spiritual bathTaking a spiritual bath is a great way to clear the mind and body of negative ideas that may be stopping you from becoming the best version of yourself.

Image result for Spiritual Tools to bringing in the lightSmudging is a great way to aid in your journey to the light side as you remove negative energy and replace it with positive energy. Think about areas or things that need to be smudged and simply get some sage and burn it and move it clockwise asking GOD to bless the area with peace, love, joy, and prosperity. In smudging you will find that your life begins to improve for you eliminate the darkness and thus journey to the light side. Stay Positive!!! Namaste!!!


By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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