Spiritual Awakening:Are You Certified Authentic?
In the sports memorabilia business it is important to have a certificate of authenticity when selling autographed items. In making sure you have a certificate of authenticity you assure the buyer that they are getting the real autograph. Imagine if people came with a certificate of Authenticity to show that they were spiritually aware and awake. As I was out taking action to help promote The American Cancer Society Relay For Life I kept telling the person I was helping to just be yourself. When we finished I thought about how we show up in situations and the importance of being authentic and true to your higher self by not trying to be something that you are not. As I sat in reflection I began to understand more and more the importance of being who I am and taking action on what I was destined to achieve. I looked back and realized that the concept of fake it until you make it does not work as people will see right through you and when you try to fake it you create blockages for you are not showing up as your real authentic self. In the spiritual awakening process it is imperative to tap into your inner divinity and unleash the real you that best serves your higher self. Take an inventory on how you are showing up and the vibration that it is creating and how it is affecting your day. If you find yourself having to be something that you are not take a deep breath and get back to center reminding yourself that you are a divine child of GOD destined to have peace, love, joy, and prosperity in your life. Then remember that at the end of the day you do not have to prove yourself to anyone for you are already great in GOD’S eyes and that is all that matters.
In becoming a certified authentic person it is important to release the attachment to the materialistic possessions and simply understand that it is your position in life to be of service and value to others. At the end of the day the only thing that endures is your character. In becoming more and more in tune with your authenticity you will find that you attract more bliss and abundance into your life. There is not greater feeling than knowing that you were true to yourself as you made a difference in this world. I have come to understand that not everyone will live by the rules of being impeccable with your word, not taking anything personally, not making judgments, and always doing your best and that it is not my job to drag them kicking and screaming onto the path of being their authentic self. All I can do is simply go with the directions that GOD gives me and take auction by being my authentic self and if this doesn’t resonate with a few people then so be it.
Spiritual Awakening: Are You Certified Authentic?:A Case Study!!!
Last Night (8/14/2017) I celebrated my 52 birthday, which actually was on August 2. I did this because I have scheduled a Give Back Night at Bru’s Room to benefit The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Sunrise so I decided to walk my talk and turn the night into a party with a purpose. As I found myself sharing my cake with strangers I had a sense of gratitude for being able to brighten people’s night with a simple act of kindness. The feeling I had from the gratitude shown in return was one of warmth and caring. In being authentic and showing love and compassion I was given love and compassion in return. In being my authentic self I was able to share Relay For Life with others and get them enthusiastic about helping in the effort to create a world with less cancer and more birthdays. As I began to take a picture of the cake one of the patrons said you need to be in the photo I am glad and what you see is what you get a fun caring person who believes that service to humanity is the best work of life and does his best to be of service and value to others. It was definitely a testament to being authentic and not caring what others would think. In the end people bought chance drawing tickets and supported the effort to plant the seeds of hope and healing for cancer patients, their families, and their friends. It was great to see the positive reaction as I simply introduced myself and asked for support. Namaste!!!