Spiritual Awakening: Light A Candle Of Hope!!!
As I was preparing to leave my condo today to go out an take action to spread a message of hope and healing I reached into my cash box for a $50 gas card and while doing so I knocked over and broke The American Cancer Society Hope Award that I received in 2008 as part of my involvement with Relay For Life. As I picked up the pieces and put them in the garbage I realized that it was no the award that was important but what it represented. The award represented me becoming a beacon of hope for those touched by cancer. As I placed the pieces of the award into the garbage I also realized that this was a message to stop living in the past and to pick up the pieces of my life and light the flame inside of me that will become a candle of hope. In becoming an action taker and becoming more aware and awake I have come to understand that there are messages that come to us daily. It is up to us to take these messages and light a candle of hope that will encourage others to do the same thus illuminating the world. As I took the broken pieces of The Hope Award and placed them in the back I thought about how important it is to throw the pieces of my life that are no longer serving me away and to simply face everything and rise. As I though more and more about the award I realized that it is not about the award at all it is about the journey and the positive impact made along the way. It is when we light our candle that we encourage others to do the same and as a result we begin to attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into our lives. In taking a deep breath and understanding that everything happens for a reason we can add value to our life so that we can be of service to others. It is when we light candles of hope and understand that we have the ability to help other people excel be it with a word of encouragement or designing an action plan with them. Sometimes it is as simple as being a candle in the wind.
On of the people I admired over the years was Lady Diana who showed the world that regardless of our status in life we can make a difference in the world. When Lady Diana passed on August 31, 1997 I remember hearing this song and realizing that it was time to rekindle a spark inside of me that desired to show the world that service to humanity was the best work of life. Over the years I have had many opportunities to be a candle of hope by being of service and value to the communities where I have lived, worked, and played. In understanding that I have an opportunity to be a candle of hope on a daily basis by simply being positive and encouraging I am able to attract light into my life that allows me to move forward in a positive direction of my goals. Take a moment to be a candle in the wind and inspire others to become action takers so that they can enhance their lives and the lives of others. Shine your light bright for the world to see.
Over the last week I have been locking myself away in my condo as it seemed like darkness was following me wherever I would go. Things were not going the way I had wanted them to as people kept doing things that were adversely affecting my human existence like sending me a check for $100 for services rendered that should have been $200 In the past I would have gotten mad and projected how bad it is that people can not follow simple rules of doing business but instead I turned on some Christian Rock, put a Scentsy cube in the burner and sat in a hot bath doing some aromatherapy realizing that I would get the $100 and that I was in a better position financially than many other people. I took time to realize that if GOD brought me to it GOD would bring me through it. It was at that moment that I could focus on what I couldn’t control or take control of the things that were in my power to control. As I got dressed I made a decision to light my candle of hope by simply staying positive. I encourage you to be a candle of hope. Namaste!!!