Spiritual Awakening: Praise And Joy Rule The Day!!
When you awaken in the morning and you are filled with gratitude and you take action to show appreciation to everyone you come in contact with you find that praise and joy rule the day. When you simply detach from the outcomes and you turn it all over to GOD you will see that you become a powerful force of nature that serves as a living example that service to humanity is the best work of life. Today (4/15/2017) I had the opportunity to go to Tate’s Comics in Lauderhill to pick up items that they were donating for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Sunrise. When I opened the box I was amazed at all the great items that were inside. I said a silent thank you to GOD and Jesus and then made a FACEBOOK Live video thank Tate’s Comics. In showing gratitude I felt a new positive energy come over me so as I put the box in my car I decide to take my collection canister out and I went store to store collect donations. I simply went in introduced myself and decided to detach from the out and simply wish everyone a blessed day in the end. As I continued to collect I had more and more success. Each time I left a store I said thank you GOD and Jesus. As I continued to do this I found myself vibrating in a very positive way. As I began to focus on all those who were giving instead of those who didn’t give I found myself getting more donations. I finished collecting in that shopping plaza and in my car began to realize that when you allow joy and praise to rue the day you attract peace, love, happiness, and prosperity into your life. As I continued to allow praise and joy to rule the day I found myself filled with a spirit of purpose.
When I broke the chains of negativity that were invading my thoughts and started to praise GOD and Jesus I found myself having more successful encounters with people. It was when I stopped judging and began to allow GOD to intercede and guide me that I found myself having more positivism in my personal, professional, and spiritual life. As I began to focus on the good that was occurring and being grateful for those who had made good on their promise to donate at http://main.acsevents.org/goto/jdogg instead of worrying about those who haven’t honored their commitments I felt a sense of joy and relief as I remembered that those who are meant to help you in your quest to help others will be sent to you when the universe feels you are ready to receive them.
When you tap into your inner divinity and understand that you are a divine child of GOD you begin to create a joy that you do not want to ever let go. The joy in your soul can be used to reinvigorate you when things seem tough or when you encounter those energy suckers who try to zap your mission. It is when you allow joy and praise to rule the day that you can overcome anything that the world throws at you. In life there will be curve balls thrown that will attempt to take your joy. When these curve balls are thrown stand tall at the plate give praise to GOD and you will hit a home run filled with joy. Once you are filled with the joy of spirit you will be able to reach heights that some only dreamed of in the life. It is when you make a joyful noise unto the lord that you are rewarded.
When you are centered and focused on GOD and Jesus you will find yourself receiving amazing favor as you will attract the resources you seek to manifest the life you desire. It is through being of service and value that you will find that you bring peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your personal, professional, and spiritual life. It is when you make your intentions clear to GOD and fill them with joy and praise that those intentions are brought forth to positively impact your life and the life of others.
When we assume an attitude of gratitude and we see things with a joyful eye we begin to make a mind,body, soul connection that leads us to shine our light so bright that the entire world is illuminated. Use your gifts and to allow joy and praise to rule your day and then to remember the good positive feelings. Namaste!!!