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Spiritual Awakening: The Tongue Of Danger!!!

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Spiritual Awakening: The Tongue Of Danger!!!

As I grow spiritually and become more and more awake I realize that sometimes being bold and speaking up creates some issues as you may be speaking with a tongue of danger. Such was the case this week when a gentleman came into the store where I was working and I shared with him about our discount on a specific item. He answered me with”You are not speaking my language and I don’t give a shit.” I wasn’t to happy so I asked him to calm his attitude he said to his companion I guess we are not welcomed here. I said you are welcomed here but please treat me with the respect I deserve. He left and on his way out I said can you say dickhead I knew you could. I thought I said it low enough but for those who know me even when I whisper my voice carries. He heard this and he totally went off threatening to call the Better Business Bureau. I know I was a bit out of line with my attitude and there is no excuse for me calling him a name. As I reflected back on the situation I realized that I had spoken with a tongue of danger creating malice instead of love. I realized that my human existence had interfered with my spiritual existence and that I must stop speaking with a tongue of danger and instead and begin to speak with a tongue that exudes compassion and love.  In being aware of what happens when we speak with a tongue of danger we can take action to refrain from being hurtful and callous toward one another and instead be kind and loving. As I sat in meditations and recited the serenity prayer and read scriptures I realized that there will be times when you must hold back your tongue and refrain from using the tongue of danger.

 In understanding that GOD is a forgiving GOD I asked that he forgive me and help me to speak with a tongue of peace, love, joy, and prosperity instead of a tongue of danger. I asked GOD to guide me in my daily life when I deal with issues that come up in my personal, professional, and spiritual life. I have come to understand that each situation is a situation that GOD has created to help me to evolve spiritually so that I can become an enlightened being who will shine a bright light of hope and healing so as to illuminate the world.


Just like that plant that was plunged into darkness in order to break through and flourish we too are plunged into darkness only to be taught lessons that we can use to illuminate the world while improving ourselves and thus improving others. In learning from the challenges created by using the tongue of danger we can grow and become more and more aware and awake so that we can understand that when we show love and kindness that love and kindness are returned. Even when we feel wronged we must step back and realize that using the tongue of danger doesn’t help the situation so we must combat any negative vibrations or action with positive actions.

The next time I am confronted with a situation where my human existence interferes with my spiritual existence I will take a deep breath and become the ray of light that permeates an attitude of peace, love, joy, and prosperity. I will refrain from using my tongue of danger  and instead I will speak words of love and kindness. In turning the page daily and learning from the challenges created by using a tongue of danger I will be able to eliminate the negative thoughts and the mean thoughts that create blockages and thus stop me from moving in a positive direction of my dreams.

 Our words have tremendous power and we can choose to use a tongue of danger which creates disharmony or we can speak life which creates peace, and understanding. In the time of trouble created by using a tongue of danger it is time to breathe and realize if GOD brought us to it he will bring us through it and that it is better to speak life while being a true caring being. If we look at each other as divine children of GOD and we do not react negatively to those who are not vibrating on our level of positivism we will be able to eliminate using the tongue of danger and thus create a world where peace and understanding is the order of the day.


By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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