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Spiritual Awakening: Born To Be Alive!!!

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Spiritual Awakening: Born To Be Alive!!!

What a feeling it is to know that you were born to be alive and to be an action taker who inspires others to step into their power and shine their light to illuminate the world. As you awaken spiritually you will experience feelings that help to attract more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life.  As you take action to pursue your purpose you will face challenges and by overcoming those challenges you will become stronger personally, professionally, and spiritually. As you begin to follow your passion and take action you will find success. As you come more and more alive by tapping into your inner divinity you will find that bliss and abundance begin to come naturally to you. When you begin to tune into the messages that are being transmitted to you through various frequencies you will see that your days begin to unfold just as you desired them to. Today I was guided by GOD to wear my Count Your Blessings Not Your Problems Shirt and I bumped into a friend at the polling place who kind of scoffed at the shirt while a total stranger took pictures and share them on social media. In knowing that I had just touched someone’s life I had a joyful feeling as I knew that I was doing the right thing. In awakening and answering a calling we can all affect change by coming alive and committing to be of service and value to the community. We can release all of the negativity in our life by realizing that we were born to be alive and to serve as a catalyst of positivism.
As you show gratitude for being born to be alive you will see that the life you desire becomes easier and easier to manifest. There are two great days in a person’s life the day they are born and the day they realize why. When you find your purpose and you commit to living a life on purpose you will see that everything is possible. When you are filled with spirit and showing the world that you were born to be alive your light shines bright giving others permission to shine their light and thus the entire world is illuminated.

When you begin to come alive and understand that GOD lives in each and everyone us and that we are all vessels of hope and healing that our lives are improved. When we decide to be impeccable with our word, not to take anything personally, not to judge, and to always do our best we put in motion all the tools and resources that are needed to show the world that GOD Is Not Dead. It is when we allow that inner divinity to roar that we start to grasp the idea of being born to be alive. It is when we realize that we are far more powerful than we ever imagined that we are able to detach from outcomes and move forward in a positive direction of our dreams.

Spiritual Awakening: Born To Be Alive – JDOGG’S Observations

I use this score from The Peaceful Warrior to assist me in getting in the right frame of mind so that I can show those that I come in contact with that we were all born to be alive. Over the course of many years I have observed many things and I have found that how I react to what I have observed affects what happens next. Sometimes we a s humans get so wrapped up in being right that we forget to step back and see things from another perspective it is when this happens that we must put ourselves in check and take a deep breath and move on. We may not like what is happening around us however we must change the things we can accept the things we can not and have the wisdom to know the difference. Sometime we may see something that others are doing that is causing them to struggle and as much as we make suggestions for them to do things differently they may not do things differently. In many cases this leads to frustration and creates blockages from your ability to come alive. When this occurs take a deep breath and understand it is not your job to drag someone kicking and screaming onto the path or concept of being born to be alive but rather to simply shine your light and know when they are read they will embrace the idea of being born to be alive.

You were born to make a difference in this world.




By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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