Spiritual Awakening: Changing On The Fly!!!
As many of you know I have been helping to create a world with less cancer and more birthdays by seeking donations for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Sunrise, FL by asking people to visit http://main.acsevents.org/goto/jdogg3. I have also been seeking donations for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Boca Raton, FL by asking people to visit http://main.acsevents.org/goto/jdogg4. This week I had a very big spiritual lesson occur as a result as I learned that sometimes you have to change on the fly. I was sending messages out on Facebook and it seems that they thought I was using the feature improperly by copying a message and pasting into my friends messages. The feature was shut off so I had to make a change on the fly and find a different way until the service was available again. As I found alternatives I went back to taking action and as a result I now sit at $1012 raised for The Sunrise Relay. I sit at $508.50 raised for The Boca Raton Relay. In sitting in reflection and realizing In have to change on the fly for it is imperative to remember GOD’s Master Plan.
In is when we follow the messages of GOD and make changes on the fly that we are able to be of service and value. Today my plan was to go to TD Bank and turn the change into cash that I had collected for The Boca Raton Relay For Life well I get to TD Bank and guess what their Penny Arcade Change Machine is broken, In the past I would have been angry and gotten upset but today I regrouped and thought quickly and had the teller call another branch. The other branch told me their machine was working so I went there and as a result will have $15 to turn in for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Boca Raton. I also made another change on the fly as I was going to go to get my haircut at one barber when due to my having to go to a different TD Bank it took me out of the area where my original barber was so I ended up at Super Cuts and had my hair cut. I then ventured to Starbucks and had to make another change on the fly for the table I wanted to sit at was being occupied. i sat at the high table in the middle and when the table I wanted to sit at became available I moved. Now I could have said why is this happening to me and then I realized all these things were happening for me as the plans GOD had for me today were far greater than my original plans. When I steeped back and started to look at things from a different perspective I was able to feel a shift that has now led to me being in a more positive frame of mind.
When we begin to change our reactions to things and we changes from a mindset of this is happening to me to a mindset of this is happening for me. Instead of giving into the negative emotions like anger we should change on the fly and take a deep breathe and change it from anger to understanding. In changing how we look at things and react to people and things going on around us we begin to radiate positivism that then attracts positivism into our lives. When we understand that it is up to us to let go and let GOD that we can change things on the fly. Sometimes we must surrender completely so that we can regain command of our life being directed by GOD. It is when we begin to change on the fly that good things begin to happen for us. Remember that sometimes a simple change on the fly brings more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life.
If you find yourself in a a perceived bad way take a moment to breathe and take a walk in nature and listen to the answers as they are being blown around in the wind of change. We have an inner divinity that when tapped into allows us to change on the fly and remedy any situation that we find ourselves in. What we choose to focus on will expand so if you do not like where things are heading make a change on the fly.
Live with precision of a marching band and you will perform at a peak level thus making positive changes on the fly. Namaste!!!