Spiritual Awakening: Water Your Spiritual Gifts!!!
I often start my day off with a spiritual bath where I play meditative music and allow the water to wash over my body to cleanse off any negativity that I encountered and then I call on GOD, my angels, and the ascended masters to help me to water my spiritual gifts. It is when the spiritual gifts are watered that they grow and expand an further allow me to be of service and value to others. In embracing my spiritual gifts I have been able to move forward with many projects such as my fundraising for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Sunrise. This morning I was at $852 raised so I asked GOD to direct me and guide me so I will reach my goal of $1000. His message was to send our more messages to people asking for donations. I did just that asking people to visit http://main.acsevents.org/goto/jdogg3 and as of 6:30 PM today (3/17/2016) I am at $912 raised. In watering the spiritual gifts and allowing GOD to intercede I have been able to manifest some excellent results this week showing me again that when you are connected to GOD great things will happen. In watering our spiritual gifts we show respect to GOD and he allows us to nurture these gifts and grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. Just like a flower that blooms where it is planted when nurtured we also bloom where we are planted when we are nurtured. It is when we understand that we are divine children of GOD and God doesn’t make any junk that we can connect with our inner divinity and water our spiritual gifts thus creating a better life for ourselves and those we choose to help.
When we call on the water people to help us nurture our spiritual gifts we tap into our talents and as a result we achieve all that we set out to do. It is when we look at what we are doing and how it is affecting our life that we are able to make changes and thus stay focused, centered, and grounded which in turn propels us to soar to heights we never imagined. The greatest days of our lives are the day we are born and the day we discover why. When we discover our why and we begin to water our spiritual gifts we are able to tap into our inner divinity and live a life of purpose. When we stop worrying what other people will think and we make a mind, body, soul connection by watering our spiritual gifts we create a oneness consciousness that allows us to connect with others on a positive vibration frequency that creates a positive shift in the world around us. When we find our power and step into it by watering our spiritual gifts we are able to make positive changes in our life that brings us peace, love, joy, and prosperity.
As you water your spiritual gifts you will begin to see miracles all around you and you will gain a new appreciation for the connection that you have with GOD. I have come to understand that if GOD brought me to it GOD will bring me through it. I have come to learn to listen to GOD’S messages and act accordingly as he will put you in situations that allow you to prosper yourself and thus prosper others.
It is when you water your spiritual gifts and use your talent for good that GOD rewards you. When you define your purpose and you shine your light for the world to see you will manifest the life you desire. When you water your spiritual gifts, set goals, and detach from outcomes you will be able to move forward in a positive direction of your dreams. The key is to take action and listen to the messages that are all around you so that you can be divinely guided to water your spiritual gifts and watch them grow.
A great way to water your spiritual gifts is to put on music like this and create a sacred space where you can simply open up you mind to receive the messages from GOD, your angels, and the ascended masters and allow yourself to remove any blockages that may be hindering you from watering and embracing your spiritual gifts and thus allowing positive energy to come into your body to clear the path for you to move passionately in the direction of your dreams by becoming an action taker instead of an excuse maker. In watering your spiritual gifts you will be able to stay positive. Namaste!!!