Spiritual Awakening: After The Rain!!!
As I sit down to type this entry I am at my local Starbucks in Sunrise, Florida and there is a fierce rain storm brewing outside. As I observe this storm I begin to think of the storms that we may have in our own personal, professional, and spiritual lives and realize that after the rain there is a rainbow. How many times do we complain about the storms in our life instead of being appreciative of the rainbow? I have learned that complaining only makes the storm worse. I have come to realize that if GOD brought you to the storm he will bring you through it. In growing personal, professionally, and spiritually we must realize that there will be storms and how we deal with these storms will determine what we attract into our lives. I have come to adopt the anthem that a positive attitude during a storm will propel you to altitudes that you never imagined. Through the spiritual awakening process I have found music to be a great tool to bring me through the storm.
This song from The Byrds based on Ecclesiastes has helped me to take action despite being caught in a storm as I have come to realize that we each have a season and that there is a time for every purpose under heaven. It is when we realize that there is balance in our lives that we are able to come through the storms stronger than we were before. In moments of introspection I have learned that in order to weather a storm I must be willing to change the way I go about things during the storm. In many cases I have fund that I am the cause of the storm because I was disconnected from GOD and forgot that the plans he has for me are far greater than my own plans. In these cases I take actions to get reconnected.
I have found that doing daily reflections and meditations and then looking at my accomplishments such as being a featured author in Sources of Wisdom Book 2 and Sources of Wisdom Book 3 to be great tools to help weather any storms. When I changed the focus from I can’t to I can and stopped making excuses and pointing fingers at others I found myself more aware and awake with an ability to face everything and rise instead of forgetting everything and running. It was when I decided to take action and detach from outcomes by reminding myself that all I can control is myself and my reactions to things that I began to attract more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into my life. I have found that by reciting the serenity prayer daily that I can weather any storm.
In many storms you can not control what will happen you just have to pray and and hope for the best and when the storm is over take care of the clean up so that when the next storm comes you are better prepared because of the lessons learned from going through previous storms.
After the storm comes a rainbow and it is up to us to find the rainbow bow connection by being of service and value to others while we continue on our spiritual path making a oneness connection that leads to our world becoming a better place. After a storm sit in quiet prayer and meditation and listen to the messages that are being sent and then take action to see where you will be led.
After the rain comes a rainbow for us to follow. This rainbow gives us hope that things will get better despite the storms we are facing. This rainbow gives color to our dreams regardless of how far fetched others may think they are. The fact is that dreams do come true if you continue to fight through the storms and grow as a result. When that rainbow appears after the rain take a moment to get in touch with your inner divinity and remind yourself that you are a divine child of GOD and GOD has great plans for you. Like that rainbow after the rain you are vibrant and full of color so color your world using your gifts for good.
Remember that any storms you face can be weathered if you put your faith in GOD and allow him the carry you through the storm and thus you can tell the storm to go away.
I have found that turning to the scriptures during a storm to be very helpful in seeing that there will be sunshine after the storm.