Spiritual Awakening: We Are One!!!
One day when the world has a spiritual awakening we will all realize that we are one. We are all made in the image of GOD with a divine purpose and calling and must honor and praise GOD and be of service and value to those we come in contact with so that we can create a world that is full of positivism. We muss start by checking our ego at the door and seek ways to improve the lives of others thus improving our own lives personally, professionally, and spiritually. One day we will see only positive things being reported on the news and people beginning to help one another. This shift can occur if we all begin to subscribe to Don Miguel Ruiz’s Four Agreements.
Imagine if we had these four agreements plastered all over our schools, in our government buildings, and in public places and started a movement to create more positivism in our world. Imagine of we started to look beyond the outer and into the inner and saw people as divine children of GOD and began to interact with people and finding ways to help each other. What if we put all of our preconceived notions and judgments aside and started getting to know people on a cellular level and connecting with positive vibrations. Things would get easier and brighter.
Each day we all have an opportunity to make things easier and brighter our actions can create an avalanche of positivism that leads to hope and healing. each day we wake up we should ask ourselves what can I do to add value to someone else’s life. By helping others and being a lifter you will be lifted. When we realize that times are changing and we must be more loving and compassionate our world will change.
As times change we can choose to see the negativity and be held hostage by it or we can choose to see the positive and take action to move forward by overcoming and adapting by tapping into our inner divinity and allowing our light to shine bright thus illuminating the world. If we began to allow negativity to creep into our personal, professional, and spiritual lives we will end up paralyzed. To prevent this paralysis we must be conscious of our words, what we listen to, and who we allow into or circle of influence. We must light small sparks that build in to a bonfire of positivism spreading the message that we are one. If we are to spread positivism we must understand that we are the world.
When this song first debuted in 1985 it sent a message of hope and healing to all those who took the time to not only listen but to those who took action to be that helping hand in the community. I remember being a sophomore at Hofstra University and thinking it is time to think globally and act locally and I headed up a food drive for the local food pantry. Word spread quickly and before I knew it the lobby of my dorm was filled with non-perishable items. A group of us gathered and loaded up The Student Government Vans and we delivered the food and wow what a feeling it as to know that we helped to show the university that service to humanity was the best work of life. We all have the power to show the world that we are one by simply spreading kindness. We all have an opportunity to be a difference maker.
In the stillness of a moment while in meditation focus on the concept of we are one and seek ways to be a difference maker. It can be something as small as giving someone in need someone to talk to and share food with. It could be a simple act of holding a door open for someone. The fact is that each time you spread kindness you make a difference. We all have the ability to be lifters and to make a difference. Sometimes it is as simple as just saying hello and wishing someone a great day. What ever you do make it a point to make a difference and show people that we are one.
We are one and we are strong bounded together by our divinity. Listen to the lyrics closely and you will understand that we are one and that one day all the answers will be revealed to you. It is important to continue to seek and to create a oneness consciousness by being kind, loving, and compassionate showing the world that we are one. Stay Positive. Namaste!!!