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Spiritual Awakening: Just Say No To Concessions!!!

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Spiritual Awakening:Just Say No To Concessions!

Movie Theater Concession Stand Worker Be obtained at us gas on I was at the movies last night (12/1/2015) watching the movie Creed, and I managed to bypass the concession stand as I have committed to eating healthier so as to better make a mind, body, soul connection. As I bypassed the concessions stand I thought about how important it is not to give in and make concessions to others because when we make concessions we drain ourselves personally, professionally, and spiritually. We must commit to bypassing concessions.Just like we know that the processed food and sugars that we would buy from a concession stand compromise us physically and mentally so does making concessions in our personal and professional lives. The idea is to have the mindset of I am doing what is best for me so that I will be in a position to be of service and value to others.  I have found when I become a conscious action taker that my life is more balanced spiritually, personally, and professionally.  I have also learned that if I helping myself and I am getting healthier then I will be able to do more and thus create a oneness consciousness where no one has to make any concessions. Think about how many times you have made a concession and the emotions that resulted. Was there resentment, anger, or jealousy? These are all drains on our spiritual being and also on a drain on our mental and physical well being. The way to combat this is to simply say no to concessions.

Spiritual Awakening: How To Say No To Concessions!!!

The first step to saying no to concessions is to change our mindset. Ask yourself does my decision serve me well, will my decision have a positive effect on my personal and professional life? When you begin to change your thoughts you will change your life. About 3 weeks ago I started working with a personal trainer and he has also guided me to make better food choices. At first I was resistant but when I change my mindset and made a conscious decision to work out and eat healthier things in my life began to change. I have seen that I now feel better about myself and have begun to re-establish my power and thus making it easier to be of service and value to others.

Be mindful of the choices that you are making. I have found that planning my actions be it in what I eat or tasks to perform helps me in saying no to concessions. The one key is to not give in to urges and find out what your triggers are and how you can subdue the triggers. I know for me going to Starbucks in the past meant a frappuccino and a cookie and this wasn’t serving me well so I made the choice now to drink unsweetened tea and to get a yogurt or a fruit bowl or a protein meal and a kind protein bar. I will tell you it hasn’t been easy but I know if I don’t give in and concede to the temptation that I will be be healthier and better able to serve others.

Walk in your truth and praise and honor GOD. In walking in your truth you will find that you feel better mentally and physically thus making it easier to embrace and act upon your spiritual awakening.

 Look at the people you are associating with and how it is effecting you personally, professionally, and spiritually. If someone is not adding value to your life then you must walk away from them and find those who will lift you and support you.

Eliminate the things that no longer serve you.  I recommend that you focus on the spiritualistic as opposed to the materialistic. I find great joy in helping others so when I have clothes that I no longer wear and are in good condition I will donate them to a charity. When I have some excess cash I will donate it to charity. In do so I unburden myself and thus open up channels to receive.

One of the best ways to say no to concessions is to turn to the bible and remind yourself that you are a divine child of GOD and that GOD so loved us that he gave us his son to atone for all of our sins.

Music is a great way to remind us to say no to concessions. Having a playlist that lifts you up is a great way to stay in a positive mindset  thus making it easier to say no to concessions.

Break the shackles, say no to concessions. Namaste!!!




By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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