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Spiritual Awakening: The Home Stretch!!!

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Spiritual Awakening: The Home Stretch!!!

Kentucky Derby For years I have watched The Kentucky Derby, The Preakness, and The Belmont Stakes all 3 together known as The Triple Crown in hopes that there would be a triple crown winner as the last triple crown winner was Affirmed in 1978. Affirmed battled Alydar in one of the closest Belmont Stakes in the history of horse racing. I always get excited when I hear the announcer say and down the stretch they come as the horse enter the final stretch of the race knowing that in the homestretch os where many a race is won or lost.  As The Kentucky Derby approaches and will take pace on May 2 I find myself thinking about the homestretch in the spiritual awakening process. On May 2 a horse, a jockey, a trainer, and an owner will be forever immortalized in the sports history books. This got me to thinking how will we become immortalized in the spiritual history books as we enter our very own homestretch in discovering who we are and what we are meant to be.  A racehorse is bred to race and to give pleasure to the fans and then when their career is over they are put out to breed and through breeding they pass on their lineage and their legacy for more horses to race and for more fans to enjoy.  This lead me to ponder what happens when we reach the home stretch of any project or development in our personal or professional life how will we create a legacy and pass the legacy on?  One way to do this is to become spiritually aware and awake and to take action to develop our spirituality and share ourselves with the world.

Many times it is not how you start but how you finish that matters. There have been many a horse who started in the back of the pack but stayed on their path and were consistent and by the time they took the final turn and entered the homestretch they were in a position to win and managed to surge ahead of every other horse and win. Think of how many times things may have not started off right for you but because of your strength and your determination along with your faith you were able to stay on course make an adjustment and be a winner in the end.

Joel Rosario sits on Orb in the winners circle after winning the 139th Kentucky Derby at Churchill Downs Saturday, May 4, 2013, in Louisville, Ky. - ASSOCIATED PRESSIn 2013 Orb was a longshot and sat in 17th place but rallied to win The Kentucky Derby. The spiritual lesson I learned that day was that it is not where you start that really matters it is that you start and that you give it your best in all that you do and finish what you started.  Orb would finish 4th in The Preakness and 3rd in The Belmont and then be retired to Stud. Orb’s legacy now is in the horses that he sires.  In the spiritual awakening process it is important to understand what your legacy will be and how people will speak about your home s retch run. How will you be remembered?  ORB will forever be remembered as a Kentucky  Derby Winner. In the spiritual development process it is important to be aware and awake of the positive impact you are making and how your coming alive is having a positive impact on the community where you live, work, and play.

Wouldn’t it be great if after every homestretch run during your spiritual awakening if you were given roses or something as a remembrance of how far you have come and how you are continuing to another race that will have another homestretch until you become the person that people come to for help when they are in their home stretch.

Bob Bathart is a renowned horse trainer who has shown that  planning your work  and working your plan is a philosophy that will help you to win in your personal and professional life. Bob Bathart would be considered an ascended master in horse racing with people going to him for advice. In your home stretch of spiritual development it is recommended that you consult with the ascended masters, GOD, and your angels to get  the guidance necessary to become spiritually enlightened  as you continue to a create a oneness consciousness that will allow you to be of service and value to others.

Spiritual Awakening: JDOGG’S Gift To Help You Finish Strong Down The Stretch!

When we are focused, centered and balanced we are able to make the final turn and come down the home stretch strong enabling us to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. The key is to continue to stretch our mind and body.



By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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