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Spiritual Awakening: Shake It Off!!!

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Spiritual Awakening: Shake It Off!!!

 In becoming an action taker during the spiritual awakening process an important lesson is to do what you believe in your heart and to shake off the negatives or the perceived setbacks. Sometimes what we perceive to be a setback is actually an opportunity to shake it off so that we can move forward in a positive direction toward our goals and dreams. Ask yourself  am I getting caught up in the setbacks or am I focusing on the lessons and moving forward? If you are dwelling on the past and  projecting tot he future you are creating blockages that are stopping you from having the life of prosperity that is your birthright. Many times we get so caught up in the actions of others and their lack of action that it stops us from shaking it off and and taking the action to manifest the life we desire. Sometime we must commit to shaking it off and not allowing anything to stop us from getting in touch with our own divinity so that we can find the purpose that GOD has for us and thus we can take action to live a life of purpose.

 When you adopt the anthem that nothing or noone will stop you from your spiritual evolution of making  the mind, body, soul connection you will find that the universe conspires to give you all the tools necessary to enhance your personal or professional life.  When you are in a spiritual path and allowing yourself to be divinely guided nothing will stop you from moving forward and achieving the greatness that you have inside of you.  Sometimes you must look at a set back and shake it off and know the only one that can stop you from achieving your goals and dreams is you. A great example of this was yesterday (4/14/2015) when I self sabotaged my food decisions as I stopped for 2 slices of Sicilian Pizza, 2 large sausages, and a walnut brownie and started to beat myself up about it and then realized it was my choice and that I must shake it off and remember that when I put good nutritious things into my body I feel better. I must shale off the emotional charges or reprogram the emotional attachment that these types of food have so that I can make a oneness consciousness that keeps me in alignment with my purpose. We all have challenges and it is when we face the challenges and shake them off that we are able to stay committed to our spiritual growth so that we create the life we desire. Sometimes it is a must to shake it off and lay it all on the line and don’t worry what others will think and just go for it and put yourself out there.

When you lay it on the line an just go for it with out any attachments or expectations the results are generally better than you could have ever imagined. Sometimes we get so caught up in what others are going to say or do that we stop ourselves and remain stifled. Stop stifling yourself and commit to your spiritual and personal development. 

Spiritual Awakening: Tools To Help You Shake It Off!!!

Call a meeting with yourself and begin to calm your mind with simple breathing and meditation. Take a lesson from the movie, Frozen, and Let It Go. Find ways to get yourself centered and grounded so you can take any of the negative energy that is stopping you from progressing and remove it. Sometimes we must remove that negative self talk, doubt, and fear and remember that if GOD brought us to it he will bring us through it.

 Do something nice for yourself like getting a massage, getting your chakras balanced, takin a walk in nature, getting a manicure or pedicure, or simply sitting quietly, relaxing, reflecting, and rejuvenating. Take time daily to indulge yourself and you will find shaking things off to be that much easier.

Books such as these and Source of Wisdom Book 2, where I am a featured author and the books available by clicking on the Hay House Link have proven to be excellent tools to use when seeking to shake things off.

Spiritual Awakening: Shake It Off – A Personal Account!!!

Sometimes people will say they are going to do something and they don’t. You can not take it personally and you must shake it off.  In the past I would get angry at people who told me they were going to visit and make a donation and I would get angry and call them out. Now I understand that GOD sees everything and there not honoring a commitment is noticed and I must simply shale it off knowing that those meant to donate will donate and that  in the end the only thing that matters is that I did my best to be of service and value and my actions honored GOD.  In allowing things to flow as GOD has intended I have learned that everything usually works out for the best. I have had to shake off what many would perceive as disappointment. What some see as disappointment I see as an opportunity to learn and to grow in spirit. Shake it off. Stay Positive!!! Namaste!!!



By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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