Spiritual Awakening: Where Does Your Road Lead?
Most of the roads I travel take me back to GOD’s door and when I knock it is always answered it is answered with much love ad GOD loves us all and wants to show us love so we can show others love and put then on a path to personal and spiritual growth so that we can share our journey with others and have them share in our peace, love, joy, and prosperity. As we travel our road we can create a oneness consciousness as long as our actions on these roads lead us to praise and honor GOD. In honoring GOD through prayer and praise we widen the road and enhance the path to GOD and thus secure a place in his kingdom that helps us to grow in mind, body, and spirit and thus enables us to be of service and value to others. Sometime we must take it slow and ease on down the road and remove our burdens so that GOD can carry us through his messages that he is constantly giving to us. Sometimes GOD’s messages come in the form of traffic jams, detours, and closed road giving us an opportunity to learn patience, or choose a new and better path, or simply shutting the things out of our life that no longer serve us. In staying on the road that lead’s to GOD’S House we are given the tools and opportunities to grow and prosper.
In easing down the road and stopping to rest we often find that the answers we were seeking were not in the outside world but were inside of us all the time. In easing down the road and heeding GOD’S messages we get in touch with ur inner divinity and thus can share our divinity with others and bring them along on our journey so that not only is our life improved but the lives of others are improved. In taking a time out to ease on down the road while being centered and balanced we open up many channels to receive the messages that are intended to help us create a joyous and prosperous life. There will be trials and tribulations as we ease on down the road but those meant to be of positive assistance will be sent to us and thus everything will be greater as we are guided by GOD’S Love as we ease on down the road. In easing on down our road we must understand that all we seek and all we desire has already been provided for us it is duty to claim that which serves us and eliminate that which does not serve us.
GOD has provided us with the tools we need to create a positive life for ourselves. It is up to us to open the door that we find when we ease on down the road. All we need is inside of us and it has been there from the beginning of time. We must not look at what we do not have and what others have but what we must look at is all that GOD has given us and how we are going to use GOD’S Gifts to lead us and thus make our world and the world around us a better place. Our lives are like a highway with many exits and many times we must take a different exit so that we can find out who we truly are. Sometimes we must change our plans and just let things flow knowing that with GOD as our co-pilot everything will work out. I begin my daily journey by saying thank you and reciting that all things are possible through Christ who strengthens me. As I do this most of my days are joyful and prosperous. There have been some accidents along my highway but each one contatined an important lesson and each lesson learned has helped me to grow in spirit and understand that I have a purpose to help other people excel and that when people are ready to join me on my road they will and then I will be able to drive my highway all night long.
My highway of life includes an exit where you will find peace, another where you will find love, another where you will find joy, another where you will find prosperity. Some of the exots will include places to release your inner child, places to sit in quiet reflection, and places to share hugs and positive thoughts.One of my exits will have a bench where you can summon anyone and have a meaningful interaction. Namaste!!!