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Spiritual Awakening: Going For It

When I was in high school I used to break dance and many people would look at me strangely and then all of a sudden movies featuring break dancing came out and my peers realized what I was doing. This gave me the reputation as someone who would go for it. While at college I would attend sporting events and run up and down the bleachers cheering on my team and attempting to get the crowd fired up as I knew our energy would fuel our team. Again my attitude was I am going for it. While many were out partying I was looking for opportunities as a result during my senior year in college I landed 2 public relations internships, 1 with The New Your Liberties of Major League Volleyball and 1 with The Long Island Knights of The United States Basketball League. One of my bosses was Jerry Saperstein, whose dad Abe founded The Harlem Globtrotters, Jerry told me one day your not afraid of anything are you. My answer was I was a fraid of snakes. As I worked with these teams I went for it on many occassions and found success.

Many times I found myself shouting from ther mountain and many times people listened. After graduation from college my Go for It Attitude went dormant as an aspect of my life came into play and that was the idea of  people judging me. As a result I went from the Go For It guy to the stay safe guy and started to allow my negative self talk win. In 1989 I joined The Jaycees and immediately began to change my thoughts and started to go for it again as a result I started to chair projects and eventually was elected to The Florida Jaycees State Board as Individual Development Vice President, where I used my Go For It Attitude to help people step into their greatness. Today I have moments where the negative self talk will interfer and thanks to Robin Korth of Insights on Aging I have learned to tell that voice Shut Up I am going for it.

Today I went for it as I drove 2 hours to audition for The Red Sox Spring Training PA Announcer position. In the past I would have said I am not good enough or there is too much competition but thanks to the teachings of many I put all that aside and said I am Going For It.

I have adopted a new idea that I learned from Special Olympics Athletes who state this at each event “Let me win but if I can not win, let me be brave in the attempt.” This week take action to go for it in some aspect of your life. One way to go for it is to click on the buy your Spiritual Entrepreneurs Visionary Awards Tickets Here tab and make a coomitmernt to take action and GO FOR IT. It is when you take action that you will find the most success.


By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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