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Spiritual Awakening: Bloom Where You Are Planted!!!

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Spiritual Awakening: Bloom Where You Are Planted!!!


Bloom Where You're Planted  In the spiritual awakening process it is important to bloom where you are planted. So many times I have heard people well if I move to xyz from abc things will get better. Things will only get better if you commit to changing your self and the way you act.  If you are bitter and angry nothing changes until you remove the bitterness and the anger. If you come from a position of lack nothing changes until you embrace the fact that their is an abundance being provided to you. The other day I was speaking to someone about  being a guest on my TV Show, The Anything Bucket, which airs on on Tuesday at 6:30 PM EST. The conversation turned to the concept of how far down the rabbit hole do you want to go?  As I hung up the phone I thought of Alice and Wonderland and her journey down the rabbit hole and  how at the end her perspective had changed. She understood that wherever she ended up she would have to thrive there. You can move time and time again but until you remove personal and professional baggage that inhibits spiritual growth everything remains the same.

We have all heard the term the grass is greener on the other side. This is not true the grass is greener where you water it. To expand and grow  one must look at and answer the question of how are you taking care of your grass.  Are you embracing your divinity and creating a relationship with GOD? Are you nurturing yourself  allow yourself to evolve? Many times we look at other people’s lives and see them as they are today and not where they  came from or the journey  they are traveling.

Wherever  GOD guides you is where you are meant to be. Remember that everything is in divine order just the way GOD intended it to be.  It is when we push our boundaries and understand that we are powerful beyond measure and GOD wants us to thrive that we begin to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually.  GOD wants you to bloom wherever he plants you. There will be challenges that we face  and we may think moving away from those challenges that they will go away. The truth is that until those challenges are faced and conquered they will stop us from reaching our full potential.  In many cases we must look at the messages that are being sent to us exactly wherever we are so that we can tale action to bloom where we are planted. Moving away doesn’t improve things unless you improve things.

 The messages are being delivered everyday for you to bloom where you are planted and to have a relationship with GOD so that you can have a life filled with peace, love, joy, and prosperity.


Taosena’s Local Printing ~ Buyer BewareAs you move forward in your quest to bloom where you are planted remember to be aware of those who profess to be following GOD but will do things that are very unchristian like. I had a woman profess to be following JESUS but she sat their in judgement of my collecting donations for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life and then went to The Starbucks manager and complained. Now I am not allowed to put my collection canister at my table.  So many times there are those who will say they are spiritual yet their actions are anything but spiritual. I had a man promise to make a donation and when I sent reminders about hos pledge he got nasty and  then when I called him to see about the donation he promised to make he informed me that he lodged a complaint with The American Cancer Society Against me.  These signs I believe  are leading me to change my focus and to start doing the things where I will be put in a good light. These messages are telling me to bloom where I am planted. Perhaps it is time to move on or to look at the way I am conducting myself. The key is to keep watering our inner spirit and allowing ourselves to be a ware and awake as we bloom where we are planted.

Spiritual Awakening: Tools To Help You Bloom Where You Are Planted?

DON-T-JUDGE-ME-LEST-YOU-BE-JUDGED... about what we do not see Hebrews 11:1 my-style personal-developmentpositive quotes awesome personal-developmentPERSEVERANCE BIBLE VERSES


Positive Affirmations quips-and-quotes personal-developmentPositive Affirmations positive-thinking personal-development

Eckhart Tolle TV | Spiritual Teachings and Tools For Personal Growth ...... personal development and spiritual development field her legacy will... For Encouragement, Spiritual Growth, and Personal Victory (Hardcover

Books, affirmations, bible verses,  and music are all excellent tools to help you bloom where you are planted.  The key however is you and your willingness to peel back the one and remove the blockages that may be holding you back.


... to hermitages, cabins, and other places for spiritual reflection Sit in reflection so you can stay positive! Bloom where you are planted.


By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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