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Spiritual Awakening: Let’s Get Small!!!

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Spiritual Awakening: Let’s Get Small!!!

... do no great things, only small things with great love." Mother Teresa This quote from Mother Teresa is very poignant as it relates to the spiritual awakening process. From the  first tine we  go to school we are told you need to be the best, no one remembers who came in 2nd place. This philosophy may hold us back as we begin to awaken and do the tings that will enhance our life and the lives of others as we make being of value and service a priority. Instead of putting the idea of being famous in your mind put the idea of making a positive difference in your community in your mind. When you wake up in the morning answer the question of how can I add value to someone’s day. It could be simply by holding the door as they are entering or exiting a place, it could be a simple phrase like smile things will get better, it could be a simple gesture of throwing some loose change into the bucket of someone soliciting donations. The idea is to do small things with love and to be loving and caring in all you do.  In the last few days my thoughts were consumed with much of the negativity being portrayed on all the news channels and then I made a conscious choice to turn it off and to avoid discussing it as I remembered the teaching that what we focus on expands. In the last few weeks I have had people promise to visit that still have not and I was focusing on their lack of commitment and then I realized this did not serve me so I shifted and began to focus on all those who are helping. In making this shift I have realized that when we focus on the good and appreciate the smallest of gestures we begin to attract more good and as a result we also get better results.  I use to think oh I have to do grandiose things  and then I realized that the small things done with great love become the great tings.  If each day we make a commitment to something small with great love we will see a great change in ourselves and others. It is when we detach from expectations and outcomes that we can see that all we do to enhance our lives and the lives of others matters.  

Be part of the CLUB!! All Relay For Life participants who raise $100 ...I was told it is great that you have been the top fundraiser at your Relay For Life the last 2 years.I said yes is it but I don’t want to be #1 I want to be #100 because If I raise $2500 and 99 people raise more than me that mean we raise at least $250,000 toward research, education, advocacy, and services and help those touched by cancer in a great way. In the past I used to focus on being #1 now I just focus on engaging people and enlisting their support to help in the mission to create a world with less cancer and more birthdays.  I have learned that sometime it is is collecting the loose change and  the $1 and $5 donations that make the biggest difference. Sometimes it is the smallest of gestures that have the biggest impact. I was asked which would you rather have a $10,000 donation from one person or a $10 donation from 1000 people? My answer was a $10 donation from 1000 people. I was asked why? I answered because with 1000 people engaged and on the same page we make a bigger difference in the effort to help those touched by cancer.  Through all my years of fundraising I have come to realize it is not what you are promoting or supporting but the why you are supporting or promoting it that matters. Through my work with Relay For Life I have been able to come alive and serve the community. Over the years I have learned that getting small and putting things in terms that people will understand is the most effective. The key is to do things with great love. I do Relay for Life to honor The memory of My Mother, Judith Miller, who was called home to GOD on July 5, 2012 after suffering a major heart attack while battling non-operable metastatic lung cancer.  I know detach from the outcomes and just go forward asking with love in my heart.

Spiritual Awakening: How To Get Small!!!

It is said that great things come in small packages. The question is what are you packing in your package?

1: Spiritual Power - Quote of the Day - spiritual victory, spiritual ...I am not saying to give up your power  I am encouraging you to release it in small doses so that it will have the most impact.

2: I am not saying to give up your greatness but to look at how and when you are stepping into that greatness and how it is being received by others.

3:  Some ways to get small include meditation, burning incense while listening to soothing music, carrying stones and crystals that keep you centered and balanced.

4:  ... reading scriptures, personal & spiritual development books then applying them will help in making the mind, body, soul, connection.

5: Sharing is caring. Caring is loving. Loving is amazing. T-Shirt ... Interacting with others and getting to know them will help you in moving forward in the positive direction of your goals & dreams. You never know the impact that the interaction may have on you & the person you are interacting with. Stay Positive!!!


By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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