Spiritual Awakening: Kindness Begets Kindness!!!
As the news stories broke and all the acts of violence I kept thinking where are the stories of kindness. Through the spiritual awakening process I have learned that what we focus on expands so if we focus on violence and aggression that this is what we will see but if we focus on kindness and caring this is what we will see. I believe no is the time for people to take action and to be kind to one another. It is time to adopt an anthem to be loving and caring in all we do and to show kindness through our actions. I was at Taco Bell yesterday and the cashier asked if I would like to donate $1 to help end world hunger. I gladly gave the $1 as GOD loves a cheerful giver and I told the cashier next time ask if I would like to help feed people. It is the same question phrased differently but the universe responds better when we use positive words. I have been promoting The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of West Boca Raton and they adopted a theme of Finish The Fight which sounds great and gets many people’s attention but it goes against spiritual principles because what you resist will persist so now instead of saying Finish The Fight I ask please help me help those touched by cancer get back on a path to health and wellness. In making this shift I have seen better results in my fundraising efforts. The website to help those affected by cancer and to give generously is http://main.acsevents.org/goto/jdogg2. Ask yourself how are you phrasing things and how are your words impeding kindness to flow to you and from you.
I have found that when I make a conscious decision to be kind in whatever I do that I find more success. I have learned during the spiritual awakening process that it is important to be nice regardless of the situation. When you feel yourself moving away from your kindness zone take a deep breathe and be nice. I have learned that people will not always treat you the way you want to be treated be kind to them anyway. I host a TV Show, The Anything Bucket, on www.wrpbitv.com that airs on Tuesday at 6:30 PM EST. One of my responsibilities is to secure guests. I am a bit surprised by people when they turn down the opportunity to be on the show. I find myself being a bit critical then I realize that this does not serve me well so I remember the teachings that some will, some won’t, some waiting, so what, next. I also remember that it is not my job to drag them kicking and screaming along the path but to rather shine my light and show them that there is room on the path and when they are ready they can start. In learning to be kind and focus on the positive I am able to evolve spiritually and thus improve my life and be of service and value to others.
As you continue your journey on your spiritual path remember to treat everyone kindly not for an expectation of a great return but because that in the best way to honor GOD. In the past I would get angry with people and focus on the negative now due to the spiritual awakening process I have learned that kindness is the key and to be kind to everyone. In a perfect world we would all be kind to one another and everyone would think rationale and act accordingly however I have learned that not everyone is on a spiritual plane of vibration that resonates with you so do the best you can with what you have and do your best to be kind.
Spiritual Awakening: Tools To Assist In Begetting Kindness!!!
Keeping quotes like this and handing them out is great way to spread kindness.
Affirmations are great tools to use to reinforce the concept of kindness.
Being kind is seen through out the bible and reminds us that it is our responsibility and duty to be kind to one another.
One of my favorite authors is M.J. Ryan who was the first interview I did when I launched a radio show in September of 2011. Her teachings about kindness have served as an excellent tool in assuming and attitude of kindness.
Spiritual Awakening: JDOGG’S Gift Of Kindness!!!
This gift of a Metta Meditation will help you get into a state of mind that will allow you to give and receive kindness. Be kind and do no harm. Stay Positive!!! Namaste!!!