Spiritual Awakening: You’ve Got Messages!!!
Remember when AOL first came out and we all got excited when that voice would come on and say you’ve got mail. Then when AOL started chat rooms we got very excited as we now had platforms to deliver our message and engage people. As AOL evolved so did many other companies and now it seems everyone is on Facebook. As I looked at the evolution of social media over the years I began to think about how this relates to the spiritual awakening process and our own personal and spiritual growth. I then began to wonder what if you heard the voice of GOD saying You’ve Got Messages and you were able to download them and make an imprint on your heart and mind that would give you direction to move in a positive direction along your spiritual and personal development path. What if you would see a sign that stated you’ve got messages and you were able to take action on those messages. As I have been evolving spiritually and personally I have had many examples of messages being received and acting upon them with excellent results.
One of the messages I deliver is all you have to do is ask and I get very excited when I hear of success stories from those who have utilized my message to enhance their personal and professional life. In his book The Seeker, The Search, The Sacred Guy Finley gives the reader many tools to use to be able to address the messages that are being given.
The key to enhance your spiritual journey and to move forward on your path to enlightenment is to look for the messages and act upon them. One of my favorite equations is Passion + Action = Success and by following this principal I have expanded in my personal and spiritual development. Each day there are messages coming to us and how we answer them determines where we will be.
Today I was supposed to go for blood work but my doctor called and my insurance dropped her from their provider list. My plan was to go to the doctor then come home and do laundry then go to Starbucks to write. As the saying goes sometimes the best laid plans of mice and men go astray. So instead of going to the doctor I did the laundry then I was given the message to start sending the message Help Those Touched By Cancer http://main.acsevents.org/goto/jdogg2 via twitter while I did my laundry and I took action and did that. As a result a few people favorite the tweet and re-tweet the message. The other message I received was to take a nap and rejuvenate which I did and now I am more centered and grounded . As I completed the tasks that came to me in the messages I felt a sense of accomplishment and was able to move forward in a positive direction of my goals.
Another message I received was to step up and use my talents to help promote The South Florida Gold which I have been doing and as a result their fan page South Florida Gold -ABA is gaining likes and more people are hearing about the team and planning on coming to games. Their website is www.sflgold.com. I am the announcer for this team. I became the announcer because I took the initiative to call them and see if the needed an announcer. They did and I am now in my second season with them. In taking action on the messages I have found success.
Spiritual Awakening: Way’s To Get Messages!!!
Finding a special place in nature where you can meditate or simply sit quietly and reflect, relax, and rejuvenate will help you in your quest to find answers, receive messages, and take action.
Going for a therapeutic massage will help you to clear you mind and relieve blockages so that you can better receive messages.
Oracle cards such as these will assist you in receiving messages so you can take action.
The best messages are found in The Bible and picking a verse each day to focus on will help you receive more messages and thus you will continue to make the mind, body, soul connection that allows you to create oneness consciousness.
Spiritual Awakening: You’ve Got Messages – Be Aware!!!
Messages come in many forms so be aware of what is being sent in your path and what the message is telling you. After you become aware of the message take action that will honor GOD and allow you to prosper. Continue to seek and you will be answered. Stay Positive!!!