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Spiritual Awakening: Trick Or Treating With A Purpose!!!!

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Spiritual Awakening: Trick Or Treating With A Purpose!!!


Just For Halloween – 2012 Halloween Light Show – Gangnam Style1810-trick-or-treat-2880x1800-holiday-wallpaper.jpg As I awoke today I was given a message on this Halloween to Trick Or Treat With A Purpose!!!! Though I am 49 years old and a little bit old to go door to door I answered this call from my spiritual guides and began to post the following message on Facebook and Twitter, TRICK OR TREAT Instead of candy I am asking everyone to visit and donate to help those affected by cancer. I put it out there and detached from all expectations and decided to just let it flow as it may and  understand that those meant to donate will visit the site and make a donation. As I continued through the morning posting this message I received the message to go to Starbucks like I do each Friday but instead of giving out hugs today hang a sign that says Strike Out Cancer Today and to dress up as a baseball player and to play the role of relief pitcher.  I made a sign on my computer and went to Starbucks, where I am now writing this entry from. Again I am detaching from the expectations and just allowing things to flow and those that are meant to come my table will do so and make a donation and any money collected will be more than I had when I started.  The idea is to use the resources we have to Trick Or Treat With A Purpose Today!!! We have a great opportunity to spread our message and to shine our light so that the entire world becomes illuminated.

il_570xN.499073771_b7vf.jpgImagine there is a knock on the door and as you hand out the candy you hand out sheets with bible verses on them as well. If not bible verses perhaps affirmations or quotes. This will allow you to share your spiritual awakening with others and perhaps help people to either get on a spiritual path or to continue on their spiritual path, You may get some blow back by taking this action to share your message. Another great thing to do is to hand out messages from the ascended masters and explain that Jesus is an ascended master. In using Halloween and trick or treating as a catalyst to spread the word you will be trick or treating with a purpose.

Trick or Treating To Do GoodA great way to trick or treat with a purpose is to choose a charity to represent and hand out a donation request card as the person at the door is giving you candy. Years ago when I was a kid my friends and I would Trick Or Treat For UNICEF and we did very well and felt great that we were able to help kids less fortunate who did not experience the same joy we had in our life. When I joined The Jaycees is 1989 one of the projects we ran was a reverse trick or treat where we went to The Joe Dimaggio Children’s Hospital and brought the kids there coloring, games, and candy approved by the hospital. Think of a way you can trick or treat with a purpose.

Spiritual Awakening: Tools To Help You Trick Or Treat on Purpose!!!

 I have found that using the principles in these books can help in developing your spirituality and helping you to trick or treat with a purpose.


Home / Angel Therapy Oracle Cards By Doreen VirtueAngel Gemstone Oracle Cards by Margaret Ann Lembo I have found these cards to be great in guiding me to trick or treat with a purpose.  Imagine sharing the lessons from theses cards in your quest to spread your message.

36 Stones Gemstones Collection Kit Unique Crystals GiftGiving stones and crystals out may is a great way to trick or treat  on purpose.  Imagine the look on a parents face when their kid comes home with a stone or a crystal with its meaning explained.

Incense-sticks, resins, herbs, oils and powders.Giving out incense sticks with a paper explaining its use and meaning is another way to trick or treat on purpose.

Spiritual Awakening: Trick Or Treating On Purpose: A Case Study!!!

Trick or TreatWhen I was given the message this morning I knew that to truly make this concept work that I had to take action and come alive and share what I was doing with others. I knew that to truly be of value and service with this idea and to have it work in the community I would have to detach from the outcome and just lead with my heart and seek GOD’S Guidance as I moved forward in a positive direction to help those affected by cancer.  As a result I have been able to spread a positive message of peace, love, joy, and prosperity by trick or treating with a purpose. Please Stay Positive Today!!!

By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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