Spiritual Awakening: Stuff It!!!
In basketball a dunk is also referred to as a stuff. A great stuff usually brings the crowd to its feet and fuels the team that had a stuff. I remember watching Brittney Griner at Baylor and seeing her have some stuffs and I was amazed. Brittney is now playing in The WNBA and has had a couple of stuffs that really ignited her team. As I began to write about stuffs I started to think that having a spiritual awakening in our life is much like having a stuff during a basketball game.
I also began to think about other connotations of the word stuff and the first thing that came to mind was George Carlin’s routine a place for my stuff. As I listened to the routine I realized just how much we tend to focus on the materialistic side of life instead of the spiritualistic side of life. The spiritual awakening process allows us to detach from our stuff by understanding that it is not about all the stuff we have accumulated but about the difference we have made in the world by shining our light and finding our inner divinity. In taking action to detach the importance of materialistic stuff we open up the channels to receive that which serves us and to let go of that which no longer serves us. In the awakening process we find ourselves adopting anthems to help us detach from materialistic stuff.
The song This Is The Stuff by Francesca Battistelli reminds us that outside of the materialistic and physical stuff we all have emotional stuff that we are dealing with and that it is important to realize how truly blessed we are. In detaching from the stuff that no longer serves us we are able to move forward in a positive direction toward our dreams and goals. It is when we don not sweat the small stuff and realize it is all small stuff that we are able to walk with GOD and further grasp the concept that if GOD brought us to it GOD will bring us through it. Sometimes we get so caught up in stuff that we create blockages and derail ourselves from the path that GOD has planned for us.
This book has proven to be a great tool for me to stuff it and release any negativity that may be trying to rear its ugly head. I have learned that it is important to also use the teachings of Don Miguel Ruiz in The Four Agreements to detach from the outside stuff that may be interfering with me evolving further in the spiritual awakening process.
I recently had to remember these teachings and strongly and apply them as I was out collecting donations for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life at The 4th of July Fireworks. I was standing by the exit seeking donations and doing very well when a young man asked how do I know you aren’t using the money for yourself. I said you don’t and that is where having faith comes in. He became belligerent and my human side conflicted with my spiritual side and I did my best to explain to him why I was doing what I was doing. His girlfriend started to get involved and she turned violent putting her elbow at my throat at which time I walked away wished them Namaste and knelt in prayer. I then went back to collecting realizing that next time don’t answer and go about my business of being of service and value. I further understood that maybe he and his family had some issues and weren’t ready to deal with their stuff. Overall in practicing The Four Agreements I was able to put stuff aside and collect $248. In the past when people would say I don’t have cash on me I would think wow you came to an event and didn’t think you might need cash to buy food or support charitable causes that were there now I just said no problem and said if you are compelled to donate and have an ATM card there are several ATMs on the premises. This was a much better approach and helped me realize that it was my own personal stuff that was holding me back in my fundraising. It was when I detached from the personal involvement and left the stuff at the door that I met with success. In making a change and being awake and aware I was able to remove stuff that was hindering me and to step into my power and use that power for good.