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Spiritual Awakening: Patience Leads To Progress!!!

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Spiritual Awakening: Patience Leads To Progress!!!

 Patience plays a major role  in the spiritual awakening process.  Many times we want everything instantaneously and we push very hard and many times we hinder the process and stunt our personal and professional growth. We want things to happen so fast and expect certain things as we come from our human perspective that we often thwart our own efforts. To avoid this we must embrace the fact that everything takes time to develop. Imagine it took 9 months for you to develop in the womb and then when you were born it took time to learn to talk and talk  and through the years it took time to become proficient at selected skills. Today you are still developing and exploring and one component that will assist in your development as a spiritual being is patience.  In understanding that everything happens at the time GOD has intended you will be able to flow better in your personal and professional time. I have often stated that the way things are and the way thins should be are two separate things. For  example you set up an appointment with your doctor for 10 AM and you arrive and you find the doctor running late, you have two choices accept it and fond something productive to do while you are at the office or you can complain. Complain doesn’t do any good as they are not going to change things and only puts negativity out into the universe and thus it hinders your plans and skews the outcome that GOD intends for you. I usually ask is there a place to get wi-fi. If the answer is yes I go to my car get my lap top and set up shop until I am called thus I can do blog entries, send out emails, post on my social media sites. if they do not have wi-fi I sit quietly and read one of the books that I chose to bring into the office. By being patient I am able to be productive and accomplish everything that I intended to accomplish.

 Today (5/19/14) I was tested as my lap top was loading very slow and then once it loaded in finished the cleaning process. This took about 30 minutes and put me off my schedule, however I took a deep breath, wrote about it on Facebook, and thought everything happens for a reason. The reason this was happening was that GOD was helping me work on one of my challenges and that is being patient. Over the years I have become much better at the waiting process and have found ways to cope with waiting in lines, waiting for food delivery, waiting for a movie to start, and waiting fro people to answer my plea to help those affected by cancer.  I still struggle with the fact that people don’t answer phone calls in a timely manner but I have come to understand that if it is meant to be it will happen in due time when GOD wants it to happen.

 In being an action taker and embracing the spiritual awakening process it is a challenge at times to want everything done fast and efficiently.  This desire is one of the conflicts we deal with in understanding that we are spiritual beings having a human experience.  I have come to understand that we can not force the outcome of the situation simply by trying to speed it up for GOD isn’t done with us yet. In understanding that GOD is watching over us and being patient we can progress.  I heard a story the other day about a young man that said to GOD you made me late for work to which GOD replied had I not made the traffic light red and made you stop you would have been hit and killed by a drunk driver coming through that intersection. He looked up to heaven and said “Thank You God for having my back,” so the next time you are in a rush take a moment to slow down and breathe and understand that GOD is watching out for you.

 In understanding that GOD is for us and he wants us to be patient as all good things come to those who wait we are able to make progress in our personal and professional lives while we make a mind, body, soul connection.  I remember waiting on line the other day at Starbucks and I was a bit upset as I really wanted to get my drink and snack and get to work on my blog entry, however I took a breathe and started to talk to the people behind me about what I was doing and asked what they were doing and we exchanged business cards and they made a donation to my Relay For Life. By stepping back and being patient I was able to make progress in getting closer to my goal or raising $1500 to help those affected by cancer.

When we begin to make patience a part of our everyday life we begin to grow personally and professionally thus being able to be of service and value to others while staying positive enabling us to create a better world one person at a time.

You may chase time but you can not change time.








By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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