Spiritual Awakening: Finding The Lessons Daily!!!
Each day during our spiritual awakening process we will face challenges and we will find lessons all around us. We will begin to understand the importance of embracing our divinity and becoming an action taker to enhance our divine purpose. Each day we will run into those that doubt or try to bring us down as the enemy is out there trying to take us down, however if we remind ourselves that GOD wants us to prosper and that GOD id for us then no weapon forged against us shall prosper we begin to grow personally and professionally.
One of the lessons I have learned is what we focus on expands thus if I focus on the negative encounters and speak negatively about people I will be given more negative, however if I focus on the positive encounters and speak positively about things I will be given more positivity. So many times we focus on the negative and we do not see the lesson. I thank GOD for the negative encounters because they teach me that not everyone is going to be as passionate about life and being of service and value as I am and that it is not my job to enlighten them but it is my job to shine my light and walk in my truth and when they are ready to receive they will. I have learned through the spiritual awakening process that some may never be open to receive for they have not worked through their emotional baggage to clear blockages and move forward. Not everyone is ready to go deep inside themselves to discover their inner divinity and beauty because it takes a lot of courage to get naked with yourself and to discover how special you are. It takes an inner strength to stand up and shine your light and to walk in your truth and some are so worried about what others will think that they never step into their power and never discover their greatness. I have found that having an anthem to remind me of the daily lessons is a very important tool to stay grounded and centered and focused on my purpose.
In finding the lessons daily we begin to awaken spirituality and thus our purpose is revealed and becomes clearer and clearer to us. When we discover our purpose and we begin to live our life on purpose we create the joy and abundance that we have been searching for all this time on earth. It has been stated that you truly come alive when you find your calling. Sometimes it takes years to discover our purpose and to unleash our GOD given talents on the world for we are so caught up on finding approval from the outside sources when all we need to do is glorify GOD and use our talents for good. It is in being of service and value to the community that we can detach from the idea of seeking approval from others. There are two entities you should please yourself and GOD. In learning lessons daily and implementing the lessons we begin to further our purpose and when we lay down at the end of the day we can take solace in the knowing that we lived our life on purpose that day and we did the work that GOD intended for us to do.
Another lesson I have learned is that when you understand that all that is occurring in our life is GOD’s will we will flow in the positive direction of our goals and dreams that GOD has planned out for us. If you ask it is delivered, however you must ask so that it can be delivered in a peaceful and loving way.
In life we spend so much time trying to win the approval of others that we often lose sight of who we are and who we are to become. The other day I was called a scumbag as I was out collecting donations to create a world with less cancer and more birthdays and I was hurt for a moment. I then stopped an prayed for the man who called me a scumbag and in my next encounter I was told that I was a hero for doing what I was doing and the person who said this made a $5 donation. I am neither a scumbag nor a hero I am a man who believes that I have a purpose to help those affected by cancer and by walking in faith and adhering to the daily lessons I grow spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. In understanding that we are all divine children of GOD I am able to continue to receive daily lessons and move forward living my life on purpose.
GOD is delivering daily lessons for all of us to find our purpose. It is our responsibility to answer these messages and follow them accordingly. When you walk with GOD you never walk alone. I have learned that when you answer GOD’S Message good things happen. Do not question the message and be prepared to use it as a daily message so you can move forward in the positive direction of your purpose and thus shine your light bright by walking in your truth and staying positive!!