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Spiritual Awakening: Be Bold And Take Off!!!

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Spiritual Awakening: Be Bold And Take Off!!!

 Today’s entry is inspired by Steve Miller’s Song Jet Airliner as he describes moving on to pursue his dream. In the spiritual awakening process it is important to be bold and fully committed so that you can take off. Many times we find ourselves pulled back into the situations that we were seeking to leave behind. Sometimes it is the fear of the unknown that holds us back. Then one day we decide we are going to face everything and rise and we propel ourselves forward and we begin to truly soar.  It is understanding our spiritual calling and becoming aware and awake that we are able to become an action taker and create the life we seek for ourselves.  One thing that has helped me to be bold and takeoff  has been to adopt anthems that keep me on my spiritual path and help me to embrace my own divinity. In moving forward and being bold we become more awake and thus we are able to answer our calling. In answering our calling we are able to move forward in the direction of our dreams and make changes in our personal and professional lives. In coming alive and awakening we begin to further understand that the level we vibrate on and the resonance and energy that we give off begins to be seen by others and thus the world becomes a better place. When we are bold we begin to take off and our community is better served because we take action to improve our life and the lives of those around us. I have often stated it is when we think globally and act locally that we truly take off.

 In many cases you need to board a plane and take off to pursue your dreams. I interviewed Jake Ducey, Author of Into The Wind, recently and he spoke of his bold step to travel 1/2 way around the world and go with the flow. He states as a result he found himself and his calling. I personally served as a U.S. Peace Corps Volunteer in The Philippines from July 2002 until February 2003. It was in making this bold move and boarding the plane that I was able to experience personal and professional  growth. In the six months that I served I learned a lot about myself. On my 16 hour trip back to The United States I was able to do much introspection and was able to understand that my calling was to help other people excel.  It was in making a bold move that I was able to takeoff.

Spiritual Awakening: Tools To Assist You In Being Bold And Taking Off!!

Originality implies being bold enough to go beyond accepted norms .

Quotes and Bible Verses are a good way to help you build a foundation to put your passion into action so that you will meet with success. Being bold and going after your goal in a tenacious manner will led you to waken so that you make a mind, body, soul connection and thus create a life that you desire.

 I have found reading and applying what you have read plays a major role in becoming a action taker and being bold. There are many personal and spiritual development books available by clicking on The Hay House Link. You can also purchase Sources of Wisdom Book 2, a book where I am one of the featured authors, at this site.

 I use Marianne Williamson’s Poem to help me to be bold and remain centered and grounded so that I can continue on my spiritual awakening path toward enlightenment and thus become more awake and aware as I continue to be of service and value to others.

OMazing Kids a fun site for inclusive wellness activities for kids of ...Positive Affirmation Artwork, abstract watercolor,  Affirmations have proven to be a great way to take bold steps and take off. When you truly internalize the affirmations and believe in them they manifest positively into your life and allow you to radiate with confidence. When we begin to get in touch with our feelings and set our emotions apart with the affirmations we begin to attract the people into our life that will lift us an allow us to take bold action and thus move forward in the pursuit of our spiritual calling.

Spiritual Awakening:  Being Bold and Taking Off: A Success Story!!!!

 Sara Doctofsky was hosting a talent show for her students. Prior to the talent show I took bold action and told her I would be the emcee. She agreed and I was able to emcee and deliver a positive message tot he kids. As a result of this action I was confident enough to approach Junior Achievement and offer to be one of their speakers. Junior Achievement had me present my Five Keys To Success to the children. I recorded it and you can view the presentation at In being bold and putting myself out there I have been able to take off. I now have a TV Show, The Anything Bucket, which airs on Tuesday at 6:30 PM EST at I have now been featured in Sources of Wisdom Book 2 and Book 3 as an author, had an article published in Nothing But Good News Magazine,  and continue to host a radio show, Get Motivated With Jonathan JDOGG Lederman, heard on on Monday at 6:00 PM EST.

Be Bold and Take Off!!! GOD Bless!!! Stay Positive!!!






By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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