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Spiritual Awakening: Using Your Spiritual Eraser!!!!

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Spiritual Awakening: Using Your Spiritual Eraser!!!

 Today as I sat in Dunkin Donuts with my father and his friends one of the gentleman asked me to delete some of the call history. This had me thinking about having a spiritual eraser. As part of the spiritual awakening process it is very important to begin to let that no longer serves you go. It is time to put your spiritual eraser to work and start again. Look at what you have done and what you have learned take what you have learned and move forward and use your spiritual eraser to eliminate the rest. Take action to release your past and move forward in a positive direction of your dreams by embracing today and living in the moment.  In living in the moment and utilizing your spiritual eraser you will enhance your personal and professional life. The key is acknowledge any mistakes or transgressions that you may have made and forgive yourself and seek forgiveness as you use your spiritual awakening.

Spiritual Awakening: Ways To Use Your Spiritual Eraser!!!


 As part of your spiritual awakening it is important to use your spiritual eraser to erase any limiting beliefs you may have.  Look back at what may be holding you back and use your spiritual eraser to eliminate the elements that are not allowing you to thrive.  One of the techniques I learned was to use a  statement in the past and up until now I ________.

 Use your spiritual eraser to eliminate your judgment. Replace judgment with love and you will begin to find that things progress better in your pursuit or spiritual enlightenment.

Practice forgiveness by using your spiritual eraser to let ago of people, places, and things that have brought hurt or despair into your life. Forgive yourself for any transgressions you may have made write them down and then use your spiritual eraser in the form of fire and let them go.

the-four-agreements.jpg Use Don Miguel Ruiz’s Four Agreements and when you see yourself digressing  use your spiritual eraser to get back on track. If you utilize these principle you will find yourself using your spiritual eraser less and less.

Spiritual Awakening: Tools To Help Your Use Your Spiritual Eraser!!!!

Quotes such as these are great tools to have to enable you to use your spiritual eraser to achieve your goals and overcome any transgressions that you may have made.

 Books such as these and those available through The Hay House Link  as well as Sources of Wisdom Book 2 will help in using your spiritual eraser when you need to overcome the challenges and blockages that may be affecting your personal and professional lives.

Music in the background is a great tool to have to use your spiritual eraser and allow positive energy to flow to you and allowing negative energy to leave you.

 As you continue to use your spiritual eraser you will begin to notice a transformation and you will begin to soar.

 Take notes, write in a gratitude journal, and use your spiritual eraser to stay positive.







By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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