Spiritual Awakening: Busting Out OF Black Friday!!!
Did you fall for the hype of Black Friday or were you like the many that have had a spiritual awakening and busted out of Black Friday? I chose to bust out on Black Friday and take massive action and invest in myself by becoming a Rejuvenetics Distributor, my page is at www.rejuvenetics.net/jdogg1 where people can purchase products that will help them to look good, feel good, so they can do good. I decided that being healthy was more important than the 32″ Plasma TV that was on sale. I decided to bust out and learn about the products and spend my money on me as I know an investment in myself is more important than investments in materialistic things. After all the happiness we seek is found inside ourselves. In committing to being healthy and becoming an action taker we begin to get ourselves balanced, centered, and grounded thus allowing us to summon our inner divinity and creating our own happiness. In awakening and busting out on Black Friday I have been able to further my calling and create a positive change in my life and in the lives of others. In making a decision to take massive action I have continued to come alive and serve others while enhancing my community. Imagine being able to show people that service to humanity is the best work of life and showing them how to live a healthy life by educating them with information that traditional doctors don’t tell them.
In busting out on Black Friday and deciding not to focus on the lack mentality that it promotes I have been able to accomplish many of my daily goals. I was able to get centered and grounded, start my new business venture, write my blog entries, send out media releases and further my journey of spiritual awakening. In being spiritually awake and aware we are able to choose to bust out of Black Friday and appreciate the abundance that we all have. In becoming spiritually awake and a ware we begin to understand that we do not have to do what the masses do we can be our own person and follow the messages from GOD. IN busting out of Black Friday we are able to do more to glorify GOD and thus be rewarded. A new car, or anew TV, or material things will not honor or glorify GOD, however being of service to others will. So in busting out of Black Friday we can all become more in tune with our own divinity while recognizing the divinity in others.
Spiritual Awakening: Ways to Bust Out Of Black Friday!!!!
If you are as fortunate as I am to live in South Florida you could have stepped out on your porch or found a quiet place and set up a meditation area to get yourself centered and grounded.
You could have decided to burn some incense and opened some essential oils and enjoyed the tranquility of sitting in silence and receiving the answers that you were seeking.
You could decide to share love with others by shining your light bright to see.
There are many options available for you to bust out of Black Friday.
You could visit http://main.acsevents.org/goto/jdogg1 and make a donation to create a world with less cancer and more birthdays.
You can visit www.feelthehugs.com and get great gifts.
You can check out charitable organizations such as Ladies of Valor Empowerment and help to transform lives.
Take a moment to study the scriptures is a great way to bust out of Black Friday!!!
Spiritual Awakening: Songs To Bust Out Of Black Friday!!!!
By choosing to get more centered and grounded on Black Friday I selected some music to help me continue to stay in a positive frame of mind.
Each song selected has its own energy that has allowed me to bust out of Black Friday.
Spiritual Awakening: JDOGG’S Gifts To Bust Out Of Black Friday!!!!
Since this is the season of giving I give you the above gifts in hopes that you will not follow the masses and indulge in your spiritual practices and bust out of Black Friday and thus enhance your spiritual awakening. It is when we go our own way and decide what we believe is best for us and not listen to naysayers and doubters or the masses that we truly evolve and grow in spirit. It is with this growth that we are able to achieve more and let our light shine bright for the world to see. As your holiday season unfolds step into your power & stay positive..